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by Xalthorn
Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:53 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Preparing your PSP to run Home Brew applications
Replies: 6
Views: 2142

Yes, I appreciate that. However, I get the impression that the board is filled with questions that would be answered by my post and if this post helps to reduce the number of 'off topic' questions surely that's a good thing?
by Xalthorn
Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:09 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?
Replies: 10
Views: 3195

Okay, I'm all sorted now. I bought a magic battery from datel, and followed the instructions on the DCv* page. Thank you everyone for not shouting at me for asking very basic questions. I've posted a guide to getting your PSP ready for homebrew and I would appreciate any corrections to it and perhap...
by Xalthorn
Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:06 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Preparing your PSP to run Home Brew applications
Replies: 6
Views: 2142

Preparing your PSP to run Home Brew applications

If, like I was, you are really keen to get into the PSP Home Brew scene but haven't got a clue what to do, this topic should help. I'll try to keep it non technical. First of all, I feel it is important to point out why you need to modify your PSP. All official games and demos are digitally signed b...
by Xalthorn
Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:33 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?
Replies: 10
Views: 3195

Thank you all for the constructive responses, that's certainly bridged some gaps in my understanding of what I need to do.
by Xalthorn
Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:08 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?
Replies: 10
Views: 3195

I appreciate that it is a software issue, as the firmware is key to the whole affair. However, my searches didn't provide much more than: 1. It can't be done beyond 2.51 at all 2. You should have 3.90 M33-3 (which wouldn't install as the instructions implied) 3. You need an existing modded PSP to cr...
by Xalthorn
Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:27 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?
Replies: 10
Views: 3195

Thank you for replying. I found what appears to be the official guide to Pandora's Battery ( but to use this method, I would have to find someone who had a custom firmware to start off with. A bit more searching and I found this from Datel: http:...
by Xalthorn
Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:26 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?
Replies: 10
Views: 3195

Trying to get started... am I doomed before I start?

Hello everyone, I recently bought myself a nice shiny PSP slim (Version 3.90 of the System Software). I've always loved the homebrew scene and was keen to get involved with something this powerful and portable. So, I started googling for what I would need to get going. Some simple searches brought m...