Search found 8 matches
- Fri May 12, 2006 6:15 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: PMP Mod v2.02 & PMP Mod AVC v1.02
- Replies: 1856
- Views: 9039815
- Wed May 10, 2006 7:50 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
I've been digging around these forums and running through the tutorials on and I have a couple of questions (for andy / anyone). After looking at the DJSP file tree, it looks like Andy was using bitmap fonts in png format. I checked around on the net and found a few different way...
- Tue May 09, 2006 8:15 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
- Tue May 09, 2006 4:32 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
Gah, that sucks. I'm glad you were able to get some kickback for the program - because it's awesome, but that's sad that you don't own the rights to it anymore. I suppose it's probably better this way anyway, because I'd probably remember more of my C++ from college if I just started from scratch - ...
- Sat May 06, 2006 4:04 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
- Sat May 06, 2006 3:13 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
- Fri May 05, 2006 9:12 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: DJSP v0.14a release 8-25-2005
- Replies: 30
- Views: 30840
Continue DJSP?
Hey guys, I'm fairly new here - been reading / lurking & learning for a while. I've been using DJSP as my end-all music player since andy's last release in august, mainly because I have my PSP mounted in my car and run through my stereo. I'd like to try and continue development on DJSP and add s...
- Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:07 am
- Forum: PSP Development
- Topic: On the topic of PSIX...
- Replies: 42
- Views: 38623
I apologize for making this my first post, but I read about this thread on DCEMU and didn't appreciate it. 1) You've made your tools are freely available, hell even I've used them. 2) I guarantee you, no one who bought a PSIX Pro membership bought it because Fluff put on the PDR page. 3) ...