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by Coldbird
Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:16 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: LTE game engine on psp slim and light
Replies: 14
Views: 22392

So does anyone know what exactly makes the Terrain Demo hang?
I didn't check too deeply into it yet but it doesn't seem to throw a exception... :-/
by Coldbird
Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:04 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: paths
Replies: 35
Views: 63569

I just wanna note that relying on argv[0] for boot path checks isn't a clever idea as the OFW isn't providing anything of the sort when loading modules (the argument isnt given!). So if you rely on argv[0] to get your path you will run into trouble if you run your module from flash0 using pspbtcnf l...
by Coldbird
Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:00 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Spoofing module version
Replies: 5
Views: 10575

Well I noticed that the Adhoc Library (Net Libraries in general...) have been changed on the jump from 5.00 to 5.50... They remained the same from 5.50 till 6.20 though... ;) Version 1.3 is on use on 5.00 while Version 1.4 is the latest one at the time of writing this article and is used up to 6.20....
by Coldbird
Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:59 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: About releasing MoHH eloader source code
Replies: 58
Views: 66594

Well, considered that you can just reverse the sceKernelQuerySystemCall function to figure out how its done... its not surprising a fella figured it out sooner or later... But as I said I'm more interested with the overall manual loading of a application and fixing the imports. One way or another, r...
by Coldbird
Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:03 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: About releasing MoHH eloader source code
Replies: 58
Views: 66594

One way or another... why would Sony bother changing this when its already fixed anyway? I mean the exploit has been closed, and I guess Sony wouldn't waste money for "fixing" something that already IS fixed. Besides I'd love to check out the source, not really because I can make use of it...
by Coldbird
Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:02 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Error 80020190 on loading Usermodule
Replies: 1
Views: 6967

1. Problem solved. For those having the same problem, try to be fast, give your kernel loader a high priority and sneak the module into memory before libc has a chance to allocate the rest of memory for its own heap / stack. 2. Problem arises... Kernel Loader Start ms0:/seplugins/onliner/onl...
by Coldbird
Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:50 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Error 80020190 on loading Usermodule
Replies: 1
Views: 6967

Error 80020190 on loading Usermodule

I wanted to do it like TyRaNiD and load a little usermodule to circumvent some user / kernel limitations and import some of my kernel module exports... Sounds nice in theory, that's what happens when I try to turn it into reality. Kernel Loader Start Module Loader patched. Adhoc -> Infra. ms0&#5...
by Coldbird
Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:02 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Try to understand eventing on PSP (sceKernelWaitEventFlag)
Replies: 6
Views: 21193

You could achieve the same thing you want using Semaphores / Mutexes. (Mutexes aren't documented in the PSPSDK... but the PSP is capable of producing and using them via undocumented functions, so stick to Semaphores...) I must admit I never touched Event Flags myself, I only triggered some using som...
by Coldbird
Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:56 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Spoofing module version
Replies: 5
Views: 10575

Not trying to be nosy but... for what do you need that?

Did you discover some check that requires a specific module version or something of the sort?
by Coldbird
Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:35 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Spoofing module version
Replies: 5
Views: 10575

There you go. Have fun. //change module version unsigned int alterModuleVersion(const char * name, unsigned char major, unsigned char minor) { //result unsigned int result = 0; //find module SceModule * mod = sceKernelFindModuleByName(name); //tada - it's loa...
by Coldbird
Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:39 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Mobility
Replies: 2
Views: 2623

Excuse me but.... whaa?

But I must admit I would be fairly interested in a Rockbox port.
I'm already using rockbox on my sansa, wouldn't mind it on my PSP aswell.
by Coldbird
Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:24 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Loading a usermode PRX from a kernelmode PRX
Replies: 6
Views: 7367

Yes I can explain. You are probably trying to compile your Kernel Module using newlib, doing so results in Permission Errors on loading modules... To remedy that you will have to rely on the smaller kernel lib... So make sure your makefile contains the following 2 lines... USE_KERNEL_LIBC = 1 USE_KE...
by Coldbird
Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:15 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

It isn't pointless. In fact I think it's what the PSP is missing, built in TRUE infrastructure with every multiplayer game. The reason Xlink Kai is such a pain in the butt is its limitations and hardware requirements... Namely - HAVING TO BE WIRED (the PC) TO GET A GOOD PING - and of course requirin...
by Coldbird
Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:13 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Weird behaviour with SceModule struct
Replies: 2
Views: 2755

SDK submit - nao!
by Coldbird
Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:09 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: HELP: sceKernelCreateThread: error 80020190
Replies: 9
Views: 6570

Hijacking a old topic cause creating a new one wouldnt be worth it.

Same problem, different function, can't start a really small (10kb) usermodule via sceKernelStartModule, kernel modules work fine though.

I need the usermodule to initialize some networking stuff.
Any suggestions on the matter?
by Coldbird
Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:36 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

I do need a module as I want to implement the features all inside a .prx plugin for custom firmwares. I've tried several methods to tunnel adhoc traffic directly on PSP over infrastructure. This time around using some even more dirtier hacks than before... New hooking methods, game code scanning, et...
by Coldbird
Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:54 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

So what's your suggestion on the matter Torch? I need to get this sorted out... no matter what it involves. I thought about using a combination of kernel module (for patching) and user module (for execution)... Do you think that might be a acceptable solution? With syscalls exported from the kernel ...
by Coldbird
Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:03 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

I've tried capturing some values by live debugging. K1 inside the sceUtilityLoadNetModule function, if called normally from userspace is 0x130000 - inside the function it gets 16bit shifted to the right resulting in 0x13. User Level of the calling thread is 0. Based on those values I tried to mimic ...
by Coldbird
Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:27 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

The mayor problem at hand is the following... I hooked my way into the Utility modules, namely the sceUtilityLoadModule and sceUtilityLoadNetModule functions... I want to force them to load infrastructure modules whenever it request a adhoc module... as its a part of my new adhoc tunnel hack. The pr...
by Coldbird
Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:23 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Hooking net modules
Replies: 7
Views: 8197

Again problem solved myself - was just a typo in the address calculation. ^^
Guess it often is the most simple thing you can think of isnt it?
by Coldbird
Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:31 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Hooking net modules
Replies: 7
Views: 8197

Quickly misusing this thread, but - Torch every time I try to read / write to usermemory from a kernel module the psp crashes.

I suppose it's a memory access privileg problem - got a idea what I could do to circumvent that?
by Coldbird
Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:44 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Hooking net modules
Replies: 7
Views: 8197

Might not be the best spot to write that but~ My hooking sample, while still being the best sample out so far, isn't up 2 date anymore... 1. it relies on the m33 sdk... which isn't really a good idea, especially with gen firmwares taking over the place right now... it does work linking it in but i r...
by Coldbird
Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:30 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Execute a function with user privilege when kernel mode
Replies: 15
Views: 16268

Because I don't wish to create a own topic for something that has been asked before.

I thus claim this topic and revive it - someone has a idea how to call functions with usermode permission level from within kernel without having to route through a usermodule?
by Coldbird
Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:08 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: SOLVED Access UMD Main Thread Imports Stubs
Replies: 0
Views: 2126

SOLVED Access UMD Main Thread Imports Stubs

Hello guys, as always I'm working on some leet ninja shit stuff... whatever. Long story short, I need to access a UMD games import stubs. (those 8byte stubs that usually get filled upon loading a module into memory...) The reason I need to access them is because my hack prevents certain modules from...
by Coldbird
Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:46 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Project StarGatePSP
Replies: 1
Views: 3731

No problem.

Mind explaining what this project is about though? I have a particular interest in the PSPs networking capabilities, in fact those were the reason I wrote that hook api.
by Coldbird
Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:37 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Dummying PRX Modules [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 12495

Sorry for my late response... The reason why I'm doing this is to prevent the adhoc modules from initializing the WiFi Hardware in adhoc mode aswell as to dummy the Adhoc Functions for tunneling it through a Infrastructure Connection. I must admit though I added the solved tag to this topic a bit to...
by Coldbird
Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:28 pm
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Dummying PRX Modules [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 12495

Thats exactly what I want to do though...
I intend to replace a firmware module with a selfcoded opensource one...

To do that though the nids have to match up with the nids from the firmware module.
by Coldbird
Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:18 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Dummying PRX Modules [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 12495

I hate such answers... I will do just that though... even though I dont like the idea.

EDIT: Solved. See first Post Edit for Solution.
by Coldbird
Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:21 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Dummying PRX Modules [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 12495

Sorry for the doublepost but I gotta catch some attention here because Im asking for something different now. Because obviously noone has a idea how to do that with PSPSDK means - which makes me believe that there is no PSPSDK way to do this without recoding the exporter... I wanted to ask whether s...
by Coldbird
Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:19 am
Forum: PSP Development
Topic: Routine works on PC, crashes on PSP.. Why?
Replies: 10
Views: 22292

Would you be so kind and pastebin the code?
Theory is nice and good but... actual code would be better.