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Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:36 am
by Andrew
Okay this is stupid, I was on #ps2dev on irc, one of the ops whois'ed me, told me I was in warez channels to to leave them, at the time I was away from the keyboard putting the cover on my pool, I come back, Ive been kicked and they wont let me back in, SO I changed my nick, and then opened up another IRC client, and tryed to get an invite to go back into the channel and I was told to go away, I dont know what these people want from me, I never said anything about warez or hdloader or anything.. now that I think about it, that time i was in the channel i never said anything at all. So heres my question, If im not talking about the channels, Im not defending the channels, Im not advertising the channels, why should I not be allowed to talk in #ps2dev. It doesn't make sense... I mean I know you all have your rules but do you have common decentcy, How would you feel if you wanted to learn about something new and people kicked you because of another place you were in. Its discrimination... boo!

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:47 am
by pixel
Yes, this is pure discrimination. Childish play. And I am one that will enforce it.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:47 pm
by emoon
Take a look at this channels you were in:
#Wank3rs #ps2-scene +#backup-source #ps2ownz #ps2 #gmail #hdloaderiso #hdloader

Many of these clearly deals with illegal activites and we in #ps2dev is agains anything related to whats going in there, so take your pick.
Its either them or us.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 7:19 pm
by Guest
emoon wrote:Take a look at this channels you were in:
#Wank3rs #ps2-scene +#backup-source #ps2ownz #ps2 #gmail #hdloaderiso #hdloader

Many of these clearly deals with illegal activites and we in #ps2dev is agains anything related to whats going in there, so take your pick.
Its either them or us.
Yes, warez and wankers, we don't like any of them. :)