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[Ann] PS2 Icon Library

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:30 am
by ComicSansMS
Hi everyone!

Just to give you a quick introduction, I'm a student of computer sciences at Munich, Germany and a passionate gamer. I've bought my first PS2 last summer and tried out some homebrew software on it and so far, I really like it.

One of the things that bothered me though, was the fact that the PS2s file manager lists arbitrary dumped files on memory cards as "corrupted data".
When I got a little bored some weeks ago, I started an implementation of a fully featured library for creating and converting icon.sys files as well as the actual 3d icon files for the PS2 (a huge credit here goes to Martin Akesson for his excellent reference file on the format). I know that there are already tools out there that can create icon files, like bmp2icon by Sjeep or the sample implementation on, but I wasn't quite happy with them. My library is written completely in C++ and compiles under both windows (visual c++) and linux (gcc 3.something and above) and provides the functionality to create icons of arbitrary geometry and with custom textures.

As of now, the library is almost complete and I'm mostly left with some final testing, so I'm planning to release it along with the full source code and doxygen documentation in a few days.
For now I have released the binaries of the main tool of my toolchain, that allows you to create icon files from Wavefront OBJ files, a human readable graphics format for 3d meshes that is supported by many 3d modelling applications, including the open-source Blender and commercial packages like 3ds max and Maya.

This is still Beta software, so there might be a few bugs left. If you're interested, check out the binaries:

Any feedback will be gladly appreciated.
I will make another post as soon as I finish the project and have uploaded the sources.

Thanks for your attention,

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:41 am
by ComicSansMS
Hi again!

It's been done, the whole thing is up for download. Check out the homepage.

I'm wondering that there hasn't been any feedback so far. Is it because the PS2 has gone out of date, or just because icons aren't that much of an interesting topic anymore?

Anyways, I'd still love to hear some comments...


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:04 am
by J.F.
Well, there isn't much to say about a program to mess with icons until it's out. :)

I'll compile it in linux and check it out. There aren't a whole lot of people left working on the PS2 at the moment, but there are some, so it should find some use. Thanks.