Background Application

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Background Application

Post by Andrew »

Is it possible for a homebrew application to be running in the background as you play a game or run another application? It would be neet if someone made a small application that ran in the background parsing key entrys waiting for L1+L2+R1+R1+START+SELECT and if it gets that just reset the console... its just an idea..
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Post by mharris »

you can literally do almost anything you want with your own code, but getting a commercial game (that you don't have the source to) to play nicely will be next to impossible.
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Post by apache37 »

Well one way to do it is with a Gameshark type device. It supports "joker" codes which just scan the pad for the buttons being pressed. It would be tricky since the way those devices work they just write values to memory addresses so you would need to find a way to jump to your code and reset the machine from there.
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Post by DracoLacertae »

Well one way to do it is with a Gameshark type device. It supports "joker" codes which just scan the pad for the buttons being pressed.
A gameshark works nicely for changing little variables (like ammo), but I don't think it can reset a ps2. has some good gameshark info.

The joker commands don't scan the keypad. They just read the memory location that the game wrote the keypad's state into when the game scanned the keypad itself. You can't use joker commands unless you know where to look, which will be different for every game.

If you want to discuss it more, just PM me. I'm always looking for new things I can do with a gameshark.

Also, if you do find a way to run an app in background of a commercial game, let me know. I would like to try to create a homebrew gameshark out of such a program.
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