CVS access help please

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CVS access help please

Post by cory1492 »

Hi, Im new here and am looking to start using my dev kit - yes its working ok (THANKS OOPO for the page to help set this up in cygwin!) any help/suggestions/jokes at my expense would be appreciated as I am at a loss as to how to get this going ----->

My problem is this - using the info on the pages: ... access+cvs

I am unable to gain anonymous access - in some cases it says the directory doesnt exist and in others it just keeps asking for the password.

I personally like to use TortoiseCVS to check out CVS files but I cant seem to get into the CVS repository. I have previously used Tortoise and unless I am mistaken I dont have the full, correct info to access the CVS by any other means than the web interface.

Here is the CVSROOT I used in Tortoise to access another repository
no problems with it to access the keylauncher files.

Here is the on I last tried (I tried many) to access the ps2dev repository:

the following error is generated, also a request for the password follows it:
In I:\linux\ps2dev cvs: "C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "-P" "neocdps2"

cvs checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password

cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server rejected access to /home/ps2cvs for user anonymous
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Re: CVS access help please

Post by cheriff »

cory1492 wrote: cvs checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password
The password isn't empty, it is "anonymous"
I was using tortise for a bit, and it will work fine eventually... ;)
Damn, I need a decent signature!
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Post by Oobles »

That is correct. The userid and passwords are the same for access to CVS. The userid is "anonymous" and the password is "anonymous".

The exact reason for having no password at all has been forgotten in my short memory. :)

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Post by evilo »

Personnaly I would recommend winCVS...! most of all because I never get tortoise working on my PC :)
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cvs tortoise

Post by cory1492 »

Thanks for the help :)

OK, I feel like beating this thing with a stick - if anyone else likes to use Tortoise on Windows, the most recent release requires the following:

TortoiseCVS 1.8.8 instructions + CVSNT 2.0.58d for ps2dev anonymous CVS access:
enter in the "CVSROOT" line:
"" (without quotes)
it will ask for a password so use
"anonymous" (without ")
- after this you have a keyfile that takes care of the password automagically

ignore any error message it gives you, it does fetch the modules to the drop down list and lets you check them out using windows context menus.

(ps I tried the password as anonymous before I asked, and it gave me error messages saying unsuccessful attempt - for whatever reason the error is misleading)
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