Questions about getting started.

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Questions about getting started.

Post by r4nd0m »

Hullo, all. Like many of the people in this section, I am new to the whole ps2 programming thing. Now, I'm going to break a rule or two of noobs here, and say that I have been programming in c/c++ for quite a while now, and know the languages fairly good. I have also done a fair amount of OpenGL programming, so I think I have what it takes to at least attempt to program that exciting black box sitting in front of my tv.

Now, what I'm having trouble with, is exactly how to get started. I read the tutorial somewhere on this site about getting started with demo disk swapping, but I have neither the usb to usb cord, nor the PAL demo disk mentioned as needed. I noticed it mentioned that there is an independance exploit so you don't have to do all that balarney, but for the life of me I couldn't find what it was about, or how to even go about doing it.

And, just like my lucky self, I continually manage to find conflicting things trying to inform me as to what to do. I read somewhere that all you need is the ethernet adapter for the playstation, and you can somehow get the proper environment set up for that. However, it didn't go into any detail, and I feel somewhat lost.

Also, I wish to not use a modchip, their too expensive for me, and I'd rather not tamper with the hardware of my ps2 too much. Is there anything I can do to get all this working right? And is there a definitive guide to do it, as although I like to explore, I also like to save as much time as possible.


[btw, I come from the forums. You should drop by sometime!]
"An eye for an eye, leaving the whole world blind."

Post by Guest »

Ahhh! A rare newb who is prepared for the exciting task ahead! In fact, I wouldn't even consider you all that much a newb. :)

[p.s. fellow ps2devers, wouldn't it be better to remove any reference to the demo disk trick ? I don't think any of us have had opportunity for it for years :)]


There are 3 easy ways to boot homebrew without a modchip:
1. Independance Exploit -
(Note this doesn't work on many of the newer PS2s sold since May, and especially won't work on the new slim PS2).

2. Official PS2Linux RTE disc. This is expensive and hard to find now in most parts of the world.

3. Pro Action Replay MAX EVO has a facility for booting homebrew, but I don't know if it works any better than the Independance Exploit on newer PS2s. Anyone else know its status in this regard ?

Probably, #1 or #3 above are your best bet depending on the age of your PS2. Failing that, you might consider a modchip installed by an experienced installer.

Once you have a way to boott homebrew, download the toolchains and libraries. Find Oopo's script to install on UNIX platforms, it sets things up real nice and easy. UNIX platforms are recommended. You can do something similar on Windows platforms using Cygwin, but everyone has trouble gettting it done correctly.

Once toolchains are installed, look at included examples, and download other examples and demos. Read the source.

Then begin deving. Do no harm to copyrights. Welcome aboard!
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Post by soks »

*stabs gorim* glad to know I was welcomed so warmly

As for the noob, go stand in line behind tub girl like the rest of us.

Post by Guest »

soks wrote:*stabs gorim* glad to know I was welcomed so warmly

As for the noob, go stand in line behind tub girl like the rest of us.
Tubgirl welcomes *everyone* warmly, and she was hoping to welcome him... the problem is, this newb pro-actively countered against our typical reception of newbs, denying us certain pleasures, but don't worry, initiation will happen eventually...
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Post by r4nd0m »


Thanks, Gorim. I'll look into it right away!

Oh, also, would a cd-bootable linux distro like knoppix or PHLAK work for the unix setting up stuff?

And again, how do I setup nPort, and ps2link? What do I do with the .elf files, do I just burn em onto a cd?? I found a good tut explaining a lot on the ps2 independance site, but it didn't go into how to put the files on the memory card, and I can't seem to find how to actually install nPort and ps2link onto the ps2?? wrote:Now start nPort and transfer the .npo file onto your memory card. If the file already exists you will have to delete it first.

Once you have the exploit on your memory card, all you need to do is put the memory card into your PS2 memory card slot and put int he PSOne CD-ROM from which you got the ID/filename into your PS2 drive and turn on your PS2, what you should see is a white screen flash for sec and then ps2link should start (unless you replaced the ELF with something else).
"An eye for an eye, leaving the whole world blind."
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Post by r4nd0m »

What would be the best way to do this kinda thing?
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Post by blackdroid »

As far as I know you can get the ps2link files onto the mc with the help of a commercial MC backup tool, I think Datel sells something called AR Max Backup ( or something similar ).
The other choice it to ask someone here to prep a mc with ps2link for you in exchange for cost + shipping ( or maybe someone that lives nearby, ive heard there is a concept called friends :). Otherwise you will need to mod your console.
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Post by soks »

I used Codebreakers (version 8), AR Max was a bit... heh. You need to make sure you get the right version of it and stuff... flashkey one.
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Post by r4nd0m »

hmm.. my brother has both a usb drive and a usb to usb cable, he's gonna give them to me. then hopefully can find a ripped version of onna those mc backupers. [i don't got much money lying around, specially round Christmas]

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Post by ooPo »

Using 'ripped' software is bad.

Instead, say that you hope you get one for xmas.

Consider yourself warned.
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Post by r4nd0m »

yea, its bad. but after I get fed up and pissed off while trying to do something over and over 20 different ways, none of them working, it's my way of relieving the stress.

anyways, i hope i DO get something for christmas, or at least money / gift certs to buy it.

bleh.. if i ever get this jumble figured out, i'm going to write a tutorial, that actually works, and actually explains everything, for new people like me.
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Post by soks »


Bad random *spank*.

Go look at tub girl until you learn your lesson.

As for PS2, have fun =)
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