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A New PS2 SDK Graphics Lib.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:07 am
by LionX
Some how im unsatisfied with the graphics libs that are included in the ps2sdk. i just dont think you can use them much. they just look like code to draw text on screen.

i want to write a simple demo example and release the code but im hopeing to jus post the code and anyone that have ps2sdk instlled can compile it without having to install somting like ito/gskit/.....

i also dont want to have release a code that is low level.

and i think this is the reasone people dont release much demo on the ps2. i alredy have a clean and nice GS/3DMATH lib i been writing for years. i thinking to just clean it up even more and place it in ps2sdk.

but 1st i want to know what you guys think.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:32 am
by J.F.
It's always good to see new code, especially if it makes things easier on folk.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:20 pm
by cosmito
Personally I thing gsKit is quite capable. The only issue I see is that you still need to know some of the inners of the GS chip to properly use it... And the examples don't cover some of these details. For example: You get support for setting the oneshot and permanent modes of the GS operations but it's no much of a use if you don't know what they stand for... And they're are really important, I assure you.

I prefer high level libs, otherwise you need to know both the library and the system it operates on.

But please show us your work. More options are always welcome.