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Eye toy problems

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:41 am
by UH
I have been trying to create a game with the eye toy, but as i am a new at creating ps2 program. do i have som problem.

the status that i am in rigth now is that i have got the ps2 cam and draw (g2) to work in different project. but when i combine the to lib, i can not get it to work. because there are a linker problem.....

the make file that i have made is like this. -----------------------------------


EE_INCS = -I$(PS2SDK)/ee/include -I$(PS2SDK)/common/include -I$(PS2SDK)/ports -I$(PS2SDK)/ports/include
EE_BIN = Camera.elf
EE_OBJS = Camera.o
EE_LIBS = -ldraw -lgraph -lmath3d -lmf -lpacket -ldma -lc -ldebug -lmtap -lcdvd

OBJ_DIR = obj
CFLAGS = -Wall -W -EL -G0 -O0 -mips3 -nostdlib -DPS2_EE $(EE_INCS)

C_SRC = g2.c Camera.c
S_SRC = crt0.s ps2_asm.s dma_asm.s gs_asm.s

C_OBJ = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/, $(C_SRC:.c=.o))
S_OBJ = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/, $(S_SRC:.s=.o))

Camera.elf: $(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ)
@echo "-------------------------------------------------"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Tlinkfile -o Camera.elf $(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ) -Wl,-Map,

$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(C_SRC)
@echo "-------------------------------------------------"
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.s
@echo "-------------------------------------------------"
$(CC) -xassembler-with-cpp -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

rm -f $(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ) *.map *.elf *.o

run: $(EE_BIN)
ps2client -t 1 execiop host:usbd.irx
ps2client -t 1 execiop host:ps2cam.irx
ps2client execee host:Camera.elf

ps2client reset


and i get alot of linker problem but the errors that i can se i this --------

obj/Camera.o(.text+0x1010): In function `g2_set_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1010):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x11d0): In function `g2_get_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x11d0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x123c): In function `g2_get_max_x':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_x'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x123c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x1260): In function `g2_get_max_y':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_y'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1260):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x1284): In function `g2_get_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1284):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x12dc): In function `g2_get_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x12dc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x1334): In function `g2_set_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1334):g2.c: first defined here
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x138c): In function `g2_set_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x138c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.data+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `vmodes'
obj/g2.o(.data+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_init'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x394): In function `g2_end':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_end'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x394):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x3bc): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_put_pixel'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x3bc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x60c): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_line'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x60c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x8e8): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x8e8):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0xd2c): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_fill_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xd2c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x1010): In function `g2_set_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1010):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x11d0): In function `g2_get_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x11d0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x123c): In function `g2_get_max_x':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_x'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x123c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x1260): In function `g2_get_max_y':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_y'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1260):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x1284): In function `g2_get_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1284):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x12dc): In function `g2_get_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x12dc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x1334): In function `g2_set_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1334):g2.c: first defined here
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x138c): In function `g2_set_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x138c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.data+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `vmodes'
obj/g2.o(.data+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_init'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x394): In function `g2_end':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_end'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x394):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x3bc): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_put_pixel'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x3bc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x60c): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_line'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x60c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x8e8): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x8e8):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0xd2c): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_fill_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xd2c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x1010): In function `g2_set_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1010):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x11d0): In function `g2_get_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x11d0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x123c): In function `g2_get_max_x':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_x'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x123c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x1260): In function `g2_get_max_y':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_y'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1260):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x1284): In function `g2_get_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1284):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x12dc): In function `g2_get_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x12dc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x1334): In function `g2_set_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1334):g2.c: first defined here
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x138c): In function `g2_set_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x138c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.data+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `vmodes'
obj/g2.o(.data+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_init'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x394): In function `g2_end':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_end'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x394):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x3bc): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_put_pixel'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x3bc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x60c): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_line'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x60c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x8e8): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x8e8):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0xd2c): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_fill_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xd2c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x1010): In function `g2_set_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1010):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x11d0): In function `g2_get_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x11d0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x123c): In function `g2_get_max_x':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_x'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x123c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x1260): In function `g2_get_max_y':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_y'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1260):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x1284): In function `g2_get_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1284):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x12dc): In function `g2_get_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x12dc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x1334): In function `g2_set_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1334):g2.c: first defined here
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x138c): In function `g2_set_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x138c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.data+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `vmodes'
obj/g2.o(.data+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x0): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_init'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x394): In function `g2_end':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_end'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x394):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x3bc): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_put_pixel'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x3bc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x60c): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_line'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x60c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x8e8): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x8e8):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0xd2c): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_fill_rect'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xd2c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x1010): In function `g2_set_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1010):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x11d0): In function `g2_get_viewport':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_viewport'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x11d0):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x123c): In function `g2_get_max_x':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_x'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x123c):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x1260): In function `g2_get_max_y':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_max_y'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1260):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x1284): In function `g2_get_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1284):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x12dc): In function `g2_get_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_get_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x12dc):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x1334): In function `g2_set_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1334):g2.c: first defined here
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x138c): In function `g2_set_fill_color':
g2.c: multiple definition of `g2_set_fill_color'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x138c):g2.c: first defined here
d.exe: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000100018
obj/g2.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/g2.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/g2.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache' foll
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/Camera.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/crt0.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache' fo
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/ps2_asm.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/dma_asm.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x90): In function `g2_init':
g2.c: undefined reference to `dma_reset'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0xa8):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_imr'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0xc0):g2.c: undefined reference to `gs_set_crtc'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x330):g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x5ac): In function `g2_put_pixel':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x888): In function `g2_line':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0xccc): In function `g2_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0xfb0): In function `g2_fill_rect':
g2.c: undefined reference to `ps2_flush_cache'
obj/gs_asm.o(.text+0x1170):g2.c: more undefined references to `ps2_flush_cache'
make: *** [Camera.elf] Error 1


i hop there is some one that can help me.... or maby have anotter idear of have to show the image on the screen


ps sorry about my bad english

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:06 pm
by UH
Hey i have found a solution on the problem.. i modyfiede a version of the Makefile.eeglobal and the make file.

Make file -------------------------------------------------------------------

#Version 1.0 workes with multible lib group 669

EE_IRX = usbd.irx


EE_INCS = -I$(PS2SDK)/ee/include -I$(PS2SDK)/common/include -I$(PS2SDK)/ports -I$(PS2SDK)/ports/include
EE_BIN = Camera.elf
EE_LIBS = -ldraw -lgraph -lmath3d -lmf -lpacket -ldma -lpad -lc -ldebug -lmtap -lcdvd -fileio -Tlinkfile

CFLAGS = -Wall -W -EL -G0 -O2 -D_EE -mips3 -nostdlib -DPS2_EE $(EE_INCS)
C_SRC = g2.c main.c
S_SRC = ps2_asm.s dma_asm.s gs_asm.s

all: $(EE_BIN)
ee-strip --strip-all $(EE_BIN)

rm -f $(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ) *.map *.elf *.o

run: $(EE_BIN)
ps2client -t 1 execiop host:usbd.irx
ps2client -t 1 execiop host:ps2cam.irx
ps2client execee host:Camera.elf

ps2client reset

make clean
make reset
make run

include $(PS2SDK)/samples/Makefile.pref
include Makefile.eeglobal

Makefile.eeglobal ----------------------------------------------------------------

EE_INCS := -I$(PS2SDK)/ee/include -I$(PS2SDK)/common/include -I$(PS2SDK)/ports -I$(PS2SDK)/ports/include -I. $(EE_INCS)

EE_CFLAGS := -D_EE -O2 -G0 -Wall $(EE_CFLAGS)




EE_LIBS += -lc -lkernel


C_OBJ = $(addprefix obj/, $(C_SRC:.c=.o))
S_OBJ = $(addprefix obj/, $(S_SRC:.s=.o))

obj/%.o: %.c
@echo "-------------------------------------------------"
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

obj/%.o: %.s
@echo "-------------------------------------------------"
$(CC) -xassembler-with-cpp -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@

$(EE_BIN):$(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ) $(EE_OBJS) $(PS2SDK)/ee/startup/crt0.o
$(EE_CC) -mno-crt0 -T$(PS2SDK)/ee/startup/linkfile $(EE_CFLAGS) \
-o $(EE_BIN) $(PS2SDK)/ee/startup/crt0.o $(C_OBJ) $(S_OBJ) -fileio -Tlinkfile $(EE_LDFLAGS) $(EE_LIBS)

$(EE_LIB) : $(EE_OBJS)
$(EE_AR) cru $(EE_LIB) $(EE_OBJS)