misfire wrote:I guess you completely miss the point/benefits of distributed version control systems like Mercurial or Git. Probably because you've never used one yourself...
I already said I haven't used it, and hinted that I might have missed some point thereby, but I am very sure that I have not missed them all completely.
It may be just a temporary problem, but right now that link only produces a '404' error page.
The parts you quoted contain things that I can agree with as well as some that I disagree with. Surely you didn't expect me to accept it all as gospel just because someone published it somewhere.
It has been suggested that distributed revision control tools pose some sort of risk to open
source projects because they make it easy to “fork” the development of a project. [...]
This part I do agree with
What distributed tools do with respect to forking is they make forking the only way to develop a
project. Every single change that you make is potentially a fork point. [...]
And this part as well. And I do see that this opens roads to BOTH advantages and disadvantages, when it comes to project maintenance.
Ifanything, distributed tools lower the likelihood of a fork:
This conclusion lacks any basis in the quoted text, and I disagree with it completely.
* They eliminate the social distinction that centralised tools impose: that between
insiders (people with commit access) and outsiders (people without).
* They make it easier to reconcile after a social fork, because all that's involved from the
perspective of the revision control software is just another merge.
These things I do agree with, and are part of the advantages I mentioned above.
Some people resist distributed tools because they want to retain tight control over their projects, and they believe that centralised tools give them this control.
That is definitely not my issue, since I have NO control over the current SVN repository.
However, if you're of this belief, and you publish your CVS or Subversion repositories publicly, there are plenty of tools available that can pull out your entire project's history (albeit slowly) and recreate it somewhere that you don't control.
This is obviously true, but completely beside the point I was making. Control as such is not the issue.
So while your control in this case is illusory, you are forgoing the ability to fluidly collaborate with whatever people feel compelled to mirror and fork your history.
That depends on how we define 'fluidly'. For anyone who really wants to do it there is no problem in creating a fork of PS2SDK, for example. Anyone can do that, and that is not the kind of thing I was worried about.
But when an alternate repository is presented as a full semi-official mirror, and project maintainers are urged to switch to using this for their commits, that is an entirely different case.
If I want to contribute patches to PS2SDK (I actually do), it doesn't matter if I create a diff from my working copy of the SVN repo or "my" Mercurial repo.
Perhaps not. But I doubt that most developers want to commit in two different directions, as would be required for properly updating a project in both these repositories. The majority will choose one method and stick to it alone.
And if I really wanted to create a fork for a project where the SDK doesn't fit my needs, I would simply do it because it's the best technical solution.
Of course, and I have absolutely
no issue with that. I only objected to a new repository method being presented as a direct alternate to the existing one. Whatever forks you (or any group of people) have in private is your own business, and none of mine... :)
Best regards: dlanor