Well I got the ps2toolchain and sdk all set up(from the svn and using the tutorial at http://lukasz.dk/playstation-2-programm ... -tutorial/) and everything, but when i tried to install ps2-packer from the svn, i got the following:
That won't help since ps2-packer is a computer application for compressing elfs. The library libdl.a is provided by glibc on linux in relation to loading shared libraries.
You should use the command 'make mingw', but you'll need to fix the Makefile's rules and definitions, like the MINGW_LIBGCC definition, and the gcc program name used for the compilation rules for the mingw target.
I remember actually trying to getting this to compile a couple years back using a recent version of mingw at the time, and it didn't work for some reason. I can't remember the problem.