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Lion's loadbin command.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 6:18 am
by ooPo
With the release of Lion's ps2exec client he suggests the addition of a loadbin command to ps2link:
PKO_LOADBIN_CMD is a command that is sent to the loader
to tell it to copy a file from the host the EE memory. All
the loader should do is read the file from host then go back
to waiting for commands form client. the file can be any file
such as images, meshes or anything 'you' the programmer wants
to upload before executing the main elf.

#define PKO_LOADBIN_CMD 0xbabe0281
typedef struct
unsigned int cmd;
unsigned short len;
unsigned int address;
char filename[256];
Sounds like a good enough command to me, although I'd like to see the command number be 0xBABE020C to keep consistent with other numbers. Actually, having loadee and loadiop might be a good idea, too.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:14 am
by mrbrown
loadiop would be pointless. My recommendation is that if someone does implement loadmem on ee, they fix pkoDumpMem() at the same time :).

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:21 am
by blackdroid
fix pkoDumpMem in what way ?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:44 am
by mrbrown
how much ram can you dump with pkoDumpMem() and where can you dump it from?

IOW: how do I dump all 32MB of ram? SPRAM?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:47 am
by blackdroid
I havent tried to dump all of the 32MB so far, biggest I dumped was 1MB from pksh with dumpmem dumpfile 0x1000000 10240000.

and dumping from scratchpad resulted in an interesting reset, interesting questions/insinuations :)

and trying to dump the bios showed a wrong offset point to dump from.
Guess ill have some fixing todo :(