I went to www.ps2savtools.com and i got the titlemanfrontened which creates the Title.db file for you and all you have to do is add your own playstation game Exec i made the Title.db and i wanted to know if i did it right so i clicked open with and i opened with notepad and now it wont let me change it back to its original file state. Its still says its a db file but i dunno if it will work with the ps2 since its looks different anyone know what i should do? OH yea i have deleted it and made other ones but it still does the same thing.
Any Help would be apprieciated. :D
Ps2 Exploit
I take it you did "Open with..." and then had the box marked that said "Always use this application" ?
If so, then windows is just associating .db files with notepad, which causes it to use the notepad icon for .db files.
If that's the case, the file should be okay... But there is no reason to open it in notepad ;)
If so, then windows is just associating .db files with notepad, which causes it to use the notepad icon for .db files.
If that's the case, the file should be okay... But there is no reason to open it in notepad ;)
Shoot Pixels Not People!
Makeshift Development
Makeshift Development
Well i just burned it with Nero and it worked and I think it works on my ps2 becuase after i put in my game(Tomb Raider Chronicles) a whit screen flashes then it says
Welcome to ps2link v1.0
independance boot mode(Boot.Elf and other stuff too lazy to type)
so what ever homebrew game i makeit will now work if i made it correctly?
Welcome to ps2link v1.0
independance boot mode(Boot.Elf and other stuff too lazy to type)
so what ever homebrew game i makeit will now work if i made it correctly?