Xploit Succesful but game saves...

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Xploit Succesful but game saves...

Post by ZoMBie343 »

The PS2 exploit was successfully installed on my memory card. I've ran everything from the turnip game by Dreamt (sorry if I spelled that wrong), PS2Link, naplink and a few other demos. I've also encountered a lot of ELFs that store things to the memory card. But is it possible to read the contents of a PS2 memory card and store it on the PC using only the exploit? (without using a PL2301/USB cable). Thanks.

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Post by mrbrown »

My friend, the answer lies in ps2drv CVS in adresd's ps2netfs. It allows you to use ps2client or pksh (and soon Inlink, I think) to access any of the PS2's intenal devices. You can copy files and directories directly to and from the memory card, HDD, etc.

[Seems we need to start promoting ps2netfs (starting guide?) a lot more as a lot of "How do I access MC from PC?" questions keep popping up :)]
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Post by Drakonite »

You can also use nport for this, it copies saves to/from the PC from the MC.

You can also use ps2menu to copy individual files.

[Yup mrb, we certainly need to do something :)]
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