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New USB Idea

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 5:23 am
by skiller
we at the CMP just Released a few codes that will alow u to dump the Ps2 Games to memCard ..
now heres something thats intresting .. the only Cheat divice to support taking of the full 32mb dump is Xport ..

now on with the Question ..
we all know about Codebreakers Support on Usb Divices ..
it can take Usb External HDD and Flash disks ..
now is there any way to Copy the Driver they use for this into say the Independent tool so that it would alow the program to Access the Usb divces or even write to it ..
the reson for this .. is for the ppl that do not have a HDD installed on there ps2 this would make things 10x easyer then anything ..
and im thinking it would alow us to Transfer big save files .. to the external HDD if anyone can shed some lite on this .. that be cool .

if this is not in the right section . Sorry First time poster..

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 6:05 am
by blackdroid
asking for circumventing copyright protection is against the rules. thread locked.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:04 am
by Herben
Unlocked and moved to PS2 General. He's not actually talking about copying games but rather making RAM dumps to memory card for making cheats.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:07 pm
by blackdroid
Err I was in PSP mode, where dumping game to memstick is more probable.