TextureUpload and TextureSet (gsLib 0.51)

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TextureUpload and TextureSet (gsLib 0.51)

Post by uzu_manga »

I have a slight problem trying to get two textures uploaded into the texture memory. The TextureUpload function takes the base adress of the texture buffert and the offset in the texture buffert (among other). Now to the real problem, I haven't been able to figure out how this realy works. The TextureSet function only takes the base adress of the buffert not the offset, or is it just me wo have mixed together the concept of texture memory and texture buffer, where texture buffert is a "space" inside the memory area, and the base adress is nothing more than the absolute possition of this buffert inside the texture memory?
To simplify everything: how the heck do I use the TextureUpload and TextureSet functions to use more than one texture? All my knowledge so far comes only from the texture example program that comes with gslib (gsLib 0.51), and some reading of the gsLib pdf file.
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Post by Raizor »

texture buffer offset is usually the offset within GS ram. Within GS ram you have your screen buffers (usually 2 if you're doing double buffering), following by a Z buffer (if you're using one) and then your texture buffer.

try feeding textureSet the same address/offset as you feed textureUpload. It's been a little while since I used gslib but I think this is correct.

If you have probs, feel free to give me a shout on #ps2dev and I'll help you as best I can.

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