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? - demo disk swap

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:59 am
by ps2programmer
Okey, i have i few questiens again (but this time, they are better :wink: )

1. Is it possible to make a cd for the demo disk swap whith ps2link or pukklink? How?

2. I have a new version of the ps2, but have fixed a old demo cd for it. Does it worn annway? In other word...does the trick works if you got the old cd but a new ps2...

3. Right now i got my connection set up like this:

Computer >
router > modem > internet
PlayStation 2 >

The cable betwen the PS2 and the router is the cable that came whith the PS2 ethernet adapter, and the cable betwen the Computer and the router is the cable that came whith the router. I can connect to the internet whith both PS2 and the Computer, and i can even use ''ping'' (witch is the PS2 ip adress) to get information about the connection when i playing thps3.

The question: is it possible to connect to the ps2 whith ps2link or pukklink as it is now, or do i need to change somethin?

Sorry for my bad english...i'm from sweden (and not so old...)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:54 am
by ps2programmer
Okey, now i know how to use the PS2 independence installerer. Is it possible, in some way, to burn it and boot it whith a demo disk swap? How should i burn it if i want it to boot it whith a demo disk swap?