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A call for information about IOP hardware registers
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:17 am
by disenchanted
I've been unable to find any good resource on the IOP. Is there any collected body of knowledge about the addresses and functions of the IOP hardware registers? I know it's possible to reverse engineer most of this info from available source code but it's a significant obsticle for anyone starting work on the IOP. If nothing exists already would people be willing to pool their knowledge? I'm interested it putting it together into a coherent form...
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:36 pm
by Guest
How timely,I asked the same question about EE registers
and memory addresses not long ago. Check out the response
(or lack therefore, hey one person responded thanks Drakonite)
in the EE forum.
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:04 pm
by blackdroid
I think that site has the most info on IOP and modules.
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 7:59 am
by chris
for what it might be worth - I still have all my r3000 manuals from the ps1 dev days. I'll be happy to crack them open if anyone needs specifics (with corrected gte instruction timing mistakes as well ;o)