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Some Problem about using ee-gcc and iop-gcc

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:09 pm
by Elod
Which kind of file will use ee-gcc or iop-gcc to compile?

I see some example source code, and i find that they all have a file using assmbly language, is that file import or not?

I hear some informations about ps2 can use OpenGL to display. After i see the ps2dev... i think that we cannot use OpenGL, right?

Does anywhere have ee and iop compiler for c++?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:53 am
by J.F.
Plain C files use ee-gcc or iop-gcc. Many of the old demos were done before the current SDK was in a useable form. As such they tended to use assembly. For an example of a recent program using c, look at the SMS project in the repository.

There is a partial implementation of OpenGL called DreamGL (if I remember correctly). I'm not sure how complete it is or how slow it is.

The current SDK handles c++.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:55 pm
by Elod
About that DreamGL...I have find it, and that is like OpenGL (You can said that All the functions in DreamGL is like the functions which in OpenGL)...
and about how to use DreamGL... that is like OpenGL, I think if I can use OpenGL, then I must know how to use DreamGL, but I only have chinese docs which are about OpenGL. So, sorry...I cannot help you...

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:31 am
by J.F.
DreamGL is in the PS2 trunk with the rest of the SDK stuff. From the readme:
DreamGL is an OpenGL-like graphics library written completely from scratch.
The current release only supports Sony's Playstation2 console.

The code is not based on any existing OpenGL code base. It was developed
independently, with the aim of taking complete advantage of the target
hardware platform.

The current API subset is based on the 1.1 OpenGL specification and is
similar in functionalty to the MiniGL drivers used by games like id's
Quake I and II.
So it's certainly not a full OpenGL. You can look at the code in the SDK to see exactly what is or isn't there I guess.