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Noob basics...

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:17 pm
by Rk
ok, i know i should have used the search button more than twice, but i'm in a hurry and i apologize for that, but i really have to go :)

i'm not gonna talk crap, i'm cuttin right to it ->

i have a slim PS2 with a lan hole in its back (from what i have read in the past couple of days, its a V12) and it has a chip in it... i do not know which one because i bought it that way (it's brand new)
if you're asking how is it possible to buy a brand new PS2 with a chip already in it - well, i'm in a third-world country and we suck so we use piorated software to surviev... pirated software isn't illegal here and its very common, but it isn't legal either... but nothing will happen if u get caught :)))

enough of that.... i've been trying to connect my PS2 to my PC so i could poke around my savegames, backup them, edit them and etc... so i need a connection that can download and upload files to and from the PS2...
i tried the USB solution - i couldn't find the damn PL2301 or PL2302 USB cable, and since it's impossible to do with a regular USB - i'm resorting to LAN

so, i have my ADSL coinnection shared, my lan works ok, when i plug in the LAN cord and run the loader software, the LAN connection works ok (it doesn't report any errors)....

now i need a way to manipulate it - i tried the puklink CD and InLink version something-dot-7 but it didn't work, i can't "connect" to my PS2.... tried the PS2EXEC - nothing.... i guess i didn't setup it how i should, so i'm asking the pro's how to do it...

can you give me a step-by-step walkthru on what i need to do ?
and which IPs to use ? the connections have never been my stronger side... i'm more into coding....

so, my current IP is [from the connection status]
the Server IP is

when i check the IP in the LAN status, i find
what do i need to download / do to get it to work ???
i have a SLIM PS2 (maybe V12), a chip in it (don't know which one, but it runs CD-Rs, DVD-Rs and burned disc fine), it has a LAN hole in its back (network adapter) and a memory card.... i'm unable to find or buy a harddisk for it, and the only things I CAN do i to download the PC-side software and use it.... well, i hope that you will be helpful, and i thank you in advance... now off to bed and off to work and i'll see you guys later :))

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:05 am
by ooPo
Pukklink is very very old. A long time ago it got renamed to ps2link, and a fairly recent version can be found here:

You should be able to just burn the iso and run it. You should also use a more recent client available from that page, like xlink.

By default, ps2link will boot up and use as its ip. You need to configure your pc to use another ip on the same subnet. I use, but anything starting with 192.168.0.x should work as long as nothing else is using it.

After that, you should be ready to go.

BTW, we don't care if it is legal or not for you to use pirated software - please respect the rules and don't talk about it here. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:47 am
by Rk
sorry about the warez, won't happpen again :)
and can you give me a brief hint on where to find that IP? because i think my comp is using and nothing should use that IP on the subnet because the subnet is just my PC and my PS2... thanks anywayz, i haven't tried the XLink tho... :)

but i tried the PS2exec and none of them could get any connection from the PS2... when i check the LAN connection screen, all i can see is packets being sent and none received... is that how its supposed to be ?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:05 am
by Rk
ok,ok, i have two PS2LINKs... i already burned the PS2Link v1.24, and when i plug in the cable, start up the XLink and turn on my PS2, this is what the log window says:

tty mounted

host: mounted

IOP cmd thread started

Naplink thread started

loadmodule: id 29, ret 0

open name mc0:conf.dat flag 1 data 41378

open fd = -19

EE: Cmd threa

~~~~~~ end of snippet ~~~~~~~
on the screen i can clearly see the following interesting lines -
extra conf: mc0.conf.dat
failed to open extra conf file

and the XLink just stays that way, the red title bar says Offline and none of the commands are available... if this fails - what other options do i have left ? re-burn the ISO and hope for the best ?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:28 am
by boomint
As ooPo said:
ooPo wrote:By default, ps2link will boot up and use as its ip. You need to configure your pc to use another ip on the same subnet.
This means that by default ps2link is setup to use the IP, if you're PC's IP is indeed then you should be able to ping the PS2.

If you can ping it then check any firewall software you have for blocked packets when using xlink/ps2link.

If you can't ping it, either you PC's IP is not or your cables & connections are possibly not setup correctly.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:42 am
by Rk
i just had a weirdest idea... maybe the conf.dat is the Network Access Disc data... maybe i haven't configured my PS2 for "networking" at all :)) maybe i just need to do it all over again :P

the LAN cable was made to be a PC-to-PC and it works... i've made a dozens like this one, and this one is one of my better ones :)) you can barely see that it isn't fabricated (machine made)... its not like there is a huge set of varieties... its either a PC-to-Switch or PC-to-PC LAN cable :))

my guess is that i'm missing the Network Access Disc data on the memory card 0 (mc0, kinda looks like it, huh?) and when i do that, it'll be ok.... or at least it should.... well, i'm pretty sure i'll need some more help on this one cuz somehow i doubt that the NAD will solve the problem, but hey - debugging is all about trial and error :))) and i'm kinda used to it... but not to all the errors and no progress, but hey :) i'm just human :P

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:17 am
by cheriff
You don't need the network access disc for anything to do with homebrew, that only sets up configs for commercial games that can use network/internet.

From your second post, i agree with boomint, you have succesfully got you setup working just fine. All those messages about IOP threads and host mounted, etc are being sent fron PS2, so your network settings are fine.

extra conf: mc0.conf.dat
failed to open extra conf file
lines are basically just warnings saying that is couldnt find any specific config files so it's using the defaults, and by the sounds of your network, th defaults are good enough.

Not sure why xlink shows all these logs then claims it is disconnected, maybe try a different pc-side client. ps2client is great.. if ypu're happy to use cmd line tools, that is :)

Even still, if you read nothing else from my post... forget about the network setup disc!! Good luck..

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:13 am
by Rk
huh, well that's an relief... ok then, i'll just try out some other clients and keep you updated :)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:49 am
by Rk
i have windoze XP so i guesss i don't have what it takes to compile unix stuff... altho i have most of the unix libs on some CD... whatever...
i'm starting to get pissed off, the PS2Link shows "Ready" on the screen, but none of the clients i found work !! (that includes PS2EXEC **, InLink and XLink)
PS2EXEC is saying something like this:

PS2Libk / Pukklink
bind error 10049
Waiting for PS2 connection before executing

and the PS2Libk is not a typo... (not mine anyway)
InLink just keeps trying to connect and fails like a 100 times per second, and the XLink has shown that stuff from a couple of posts above.... is there any other PC-side client that i'm missing ? or is it that i'm just too stupid to make it work / to make a working cable OR it's just my PS2 that is making all this trouble ?
P.S. if it is me, and i am stupid - don't say it :)

EDIT: well, after a little poking PS2EXEC stopped saying bind error... now it just waits for connection and times-out.... maybe the PS2 IP is wrong OR maybe i should have soldiered the cable in a "To-Switch" instead in "To-PC" fashion ???


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:04 am
by Lart
If you connect your PS2 directly to your PC via a cable, it has to be a host-to-host (PC-to-PC).

Did you run the ping test as suggested by boomint?

Firstly, run a command shell, type "ipconfig" and verify that your PC's IP address is in the 192.168.0. subnet.

By default, WinXP uses DHCP, and if you reboot with no network, DHCP is going to give you an IP that will definately not be 192.168.0 (more like 169 something).

If your WinXP box has the right IP, and the PS2 boots as you say it does above then it will respond to a "ping" from the WinXP comand shell.

If it does not, swap out the cable. If you are convinced that you have eliminated the cable as suspect, then test your PS2's network adapter with an online game, like Burnout 3.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:04 am
by Rk
after checking with ipconfig and pinging - the PCs IP is ok, but it won't ping it... 4 packets sent, none of them came thru (aka timed out)...
so it's either the cable or my PS2 network adapter... i'm stunned :)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:00 am
by boomint
Rk wrote:i'm stunned :)
I'm not ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:11 am
by Rk
ok, now i'm completely lost... i started configuring my network connection with the Network Access Disc and i found out something very weird...
the computer says that the cable is connected at 100.00 MBps, but my PS2 can't detect or find any LAN at all....
then, after poking around the DHCP settings (set it to no, inputed everything) it got a green light on connecting to network but could not resolve DNS......

for the DHCP settings, i used this

IP: (tried .10 too)
Mask :
Gateway: (this is funny, didn't work so i had to use my real IP)
now i'm trying to make it to pass the DNS part, but since the first step got a green light, i guess the cable is OK.... which comes to the second part - why won't the PS2 respond then ?!?

i'm checking out for some info... thanks guys, u helped alot, but don't stop droping ideas tho, one of them may work (i guess everything works top notch for you, but i'm kinda used to "well, it doesnt work for me" crap) :))

EDIT: i just knew it - no useful information at all... these guys are wors than M$, at least M$ offers all the info you need - but it has it well hidden :))

There will be much pain

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:32 am
by Lart
Gateway: (this is funny, didn't work so i had to use my real IP)
Sounds like you still have your PS2 hooked up to your PC.

You have 2 problems (here):
  • 1. Your PC's IP is not on the same subnet as your PS2, so it won't talk to it when it is directly connected.
    2. Your PC is neither a DNS server or a router, so your PS2 is not gonna resolve IP addresses when hooked up directly.
You will have to do one of the following:
  • A. Stay host to host.
    B. Go host to hub/router

A is cheaper but requires you to change your PC's IP when you want to talk to the PS2 and change it back when you want to use your DSL/Cable.
B will require you to learn networking essentials and buy more equipment.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:50 am
by Rk
you mean go offline, do ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew and talk to it ? or just to make a mini network around my room ? because the latter one is not really what i need :))) but let that one stay a MAYBE for now, i'm kinda short on cash, and i'm not too keen on trying to fix up a homemade hub....

anywayz, statement 1 is a maybe, and statement 2 is a sure one... it's a standard AMD xp+ with DSL and XP pro sp2 computer.... asus A7V333-X mobo with integrated network adapter (maybe that's the problem?) i doubt you want or care to know the rest :)

EDIT: this kinda relates to the subject of this thread.
i'm seeing all those Indy Exploits, mcLoaders, ps2vfs' and stuff, and for some i don't really know what are they all about... what do they do and what are they used for ? as far as i've read, mcLoader loads stuff from the memory card, but you need to get that application onto the memory card first, right ? so that means that not only you have to connect your Ps2 to your PC (ahh the pain) but that you have to run the PS2Link CD on an unmodded PS2, right ? since PS2link is pretty much homebrew, it shouldn't run on an unmodded ps2 without the swap method <bling, idea> so that's why ppl install it onto their memory cards and run them from there.... oohhh, i see :)
but how do you run something from a memory card ? is that what's that indy exploit all about ? to overflow and run something from a mem-card instead of a CD ?
so, in that case, i guess i don't really need any of that stuff, right ? because my PS2 can already read bootleg and homebrew CDs and DVDs... but still, i'm having a curiosity rampage, when (if) i connect my PS2 to my PC and establish connection, how will i copy files from and onto the mem-card ? if you don't feel like explaining it to me, could you at least direct me to a FAQ repository where i can find all those answers and locked-away knowledge ?:) because i find only spanish stuff on goolge, or some high-tech faqs that look more like reminders than FAQs (not for noobs in any case)...

man, this topic has streched long... or i uber-spammed... i thought that this would be a simple question like "how to connect?" - "like this" and ta-dah, it works... but it slowly turns out to be a solid step-by-step walkthru for "connecting your PS2 to your PC with a cross-over cable"

funny tho, i've read a couple of those FAQs and none of them even mentions the "and if that doesn't work" part...

well, i guess this is the right thing to read for ppl that have a newly formated HDD, a new modded slim PS2 and a crossover cable :)
thanks for making me learn things by myself and for all the help so far :) i really appreciate it :)

back to the topic - or should i just make my PC a DNS server ? i'm sure i can find FAQs on that topic... at least i can mingle my PC to death, and if it dies - i know how to revive it and torture it some more :))

your friend google

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:00 am
by Lart
you mean go offline, do ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew and talk to it ?
Close... However, you can't use DHCP (ipconfig /renew) when you set up the "mini" network between the PC and PS2 because your PC can't see a DHCP server when connected like that (not "online"). You will have to manually configure its IP address to be (for example).

If you don't know how to manually configure an IP address for an interface in WinXP you can play around with it, or ask google.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:36 am
by Rk
OMG i feel so Fin stupid now... the hostmask on the PS2 was set to be instead of

but still, even tho the LAN connection says that PS2 received 30 packages or so (of about a 4500) i still cant ping it and netstat says this
TCP comp:1254 SYN_SENT
TCP comp:1255 SYN_SENT
TCP comp:1256 SYN_SENT

but it's not established, XLINK still reports the same stuff, but it's still offline... altho, i noticed that XLINK doesn't always report everything...

well, i sorted out the mayor problem, but the problem still persists - i can't get to my PS2.... altho i can try new PC clients now...

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:02 am
by cheriff
From what you said ages ago:
start up the XLink and turn on my PS2, this is what the log window says:
I had issues back when I was using cross over cables and stuff with the order in which i plugged stuff in / turned them on, etc.
This may or may not help, but it is another thing to try..
Computer is already on, cables plugged in, etc
turn on PS2 and wait for it to say "ready' on the TV
lastly start xlink and cross you fingers!

maybe tonight i'll boot XP dig up my X-over and see if i cant get exact details on the setup wirtten down for you.
EDIT: actually, maybe tomorrow morning.. just remembered tonight is a fridayNight(tm) =D

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:33 am
by Rk
ok, here's the final tamper ::

- i don't think my computer needs DHCP or DNS since its a PS2 - PC LAN, its not like i have 5+ members to allow myself a "comfort" of having a DHCP and a DNS server on this machine...

- i've burned a new PS2LINK cd with the following IPCONFIG (PS2) (mask) (PC)

- i've configured my Local Area Connection settings like this:
don't use DHCP, use this ip:
Gate: (this is my internet IP so the LAN has access to internet)

do not obtain a DNS server, i left the DNS server fields empty...

- i can't use ps2client, i'm running a WinXP here so .tar.gz files won't do...

- i tried PS2EXEC, it says (waiting for PS2 connection); XLINK reports offline but does show the Log...

- netstat doesn't show it anymore (note that i haven't restarted my computer) and the packet send / receive ratio is this (at the moment of writing)--> 7816 / 54
maybe i "broke" something while poking around various things...

- i tried to do a DHCP and auto-obtain DNS with my lan, and then my lan changes into something like 169.something.something.something (12 digits) and then my connection says "limited connectivity"
note that i haven't changed the IPCONFIG file to match the auto-obtained address (i guess that that would fix the problem), and that the mask changes to (weird)

- pinging still doesnt work, pinging reports the same as pinging or .2 or .anything (loopback) and reports that it sent 4 received 0, loss 100% but it doesnt time out :) unlike the PS2 ping which timesout every time....

- i don't think i'm missing something, they are on the same subnet (at least that's what i learned from reading FAQs that pretty much said what i already knew) and the cable seems fine (it received 54 packets, right ?)

- my final thoughts are that i have one of the few problems:
either my PC-side client is bad
either my PS2-side client is bad
maybe my PS2-network adapter is bad (altho it did receive 50 packets)
maybe the problem isn't in the PC but the PS2 itself ?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:19 pm
by Rk
well aren't you gonna say something to that ?:)

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:50 pm
by cheriff
Ok, I booted into XP just for you.. =)
inlink 1.3.3 and ps2link 1.24.

XP's tcp/ip settings (not auto obtained):
ip address
subnet mask
gateway: blank
prefered/alternate DNS server: blank

ps2link config file:
ps2ip netmask gateway - myrouter's ip

(i guess you could set the gateway to anything since its only a 2 machine network, i guess setting it to your pc's ip would be a start, but shouldnt matter if the netmask indicates both are on the same subnet)

and inlink needs to know what the ps2 and pc ip's are, so you have to manually tell it what you set them to.

now, ps2 is off and I plugged it directly into my network card with a crossover cable.
When turning on the PS2, the network connection comes on as connected, then indicates that it was unplugged, then comed back and stays on when ps2link is ready.
Then i start inlink and:

InLink v1.3.3 started.
by InPulse Team 2003 - Featuring LongChair & sg2.
Visit us @

Configuration Loaded successfully.

and it says connected in the status bar.

Now if you dont mind, i'll plug everything back into my router, post this and be on my merry way!

hope this helps..
- cheriff

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:58 pm
by cheriff
Also, after reading your other posts, i just want to confirm your network topolgy.
you ARE attempting ps2 <--> pc with a crossover right?

Just these mentions of a lan keep throwing me - is there a reson you cant plug the ps2 straight into the rest of the network? thats what I did, just bought a cheap 4port "Dlink 10/100 fast ethernet siwtch" to plug my ps2 and pc into, then another cable off to my router downstairs thru a wall socket.
then i just told my dhcp server on the router only to hand out ip's upto (never goes higher than .7 anyway) and set my ps2 to, so the never will be a clash with the static/dynamic ip's.

just trying to clear some stuff up :)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:04 am
by Rk
yeah, and the only "lan" is my PC to my PS2 (so there is no "rest" of the network because there is no network).... i have just this one comp at my home, and everything else is plugged directly into it (printer, DSL, tv out etc) no network here... so i don't really see the point of getting a router (but i guess i'll have to)

ok, a couple questions :)
why did you set the PS2 to have a .80 ? i know that doesn't matter much, but still... and i guess the .100 is your router's ip (since they tend to have .100 at the end from my personal experience) - so, should i set the gateway on the PS2link to be my DSL (212.200.x.x.x.x.) ?

just tried it again, and got seriously pissed because the PS2 won't receive the packets anymore (unlike before, but it still didn't matter much, the ration was like 1% or less)... BUT InLink says this in the Log window

tty mounted
host: mounted
IOP cmd thread started
Naplink thread started
loadmodule: id 29, ret 0
open name mc0:conf.dat flag 1 data 41378
open fd = -19
EE: Cmd thread

the inlink is configured to use PS2 IP : and PC ip :

btw, it also says that its disconnected... but how can it be disconnected when it can get this data from the PS2 ?!?!?!!??! also, isn't naplink the USB solution ???
i guess this will have to wait until i learn waay more about networking only to find out that it can't be done just because my PS2 is F-ed up...
the cable should be fine tho, but i might go and BUY a new good one and make the guy test it :) as a matter of fact, i'll buy a x-over and a pc-to-switch (dunno the name yet, but it's the one you wire the same) and try it with that one :)
i'm getting seriously dissapointed :))

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:12 am
by Arwin
Rk wrote: as a matter of fact, i'll buy a x-over
If you plug in your PS2 on one end, and your PC on the other, then a Cross-over UTP cable is exactly what you need.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:15 am
by cheriff
ahh, that was a typo on my behalf, my ps2 ip is now all my settings should be in sync. I choose that because i needed something high so i could tell my dhcp server to hand out dynamic ip's upto .60 without anything clashing.
The gateway is for if an application on the ps2 attempts to access an ip outside of you're home network.


it does some bitwise checks of its own ip against the mask and if it finds the ip is on the local network (like it would with a 192.168.0.?? pc) it sends it right there. Anything else is assumed to need forwarding thru a gatway. So supposedly you could set the gateway to be your pc and setup xp connection sharing to maybe let the ps2 access the world outside, thats how i can download from the net on ps2, if i wanted to.

AND, i just remembered something.. ps2link uses different ports for the printf stream and the control stream (all UDP, iirc, but control may be tcp.. guys?) . How much do you want to bet that teh xp firewall is blocking the control port - hence the non connecting but allowing whatever port the printfs are on thru.. try disabling the fw. (maybe get off the internet 1st.. dont wanna become another zombie!)

as for the naplink mention, i think its a throwback from the days when usb was the only way, and network was quite new, for compatibality reasons, or maybe just legacy naming... no big deal wither way.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:59 am
by Rk
isnt X-over another "word" for a Cross-over ?:)
anywayz, i turned off the XP FW ages ago... that was the first thing i ever did :)))
and i dig the .69 thing.... but i don't want my PS2 to access the "outher-world" neither i want it DHCPed... i just need to transfer files between my PC and PS2 :)))))
tnx for trying, but i'm really lost :))