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Developing with an IDE

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:35 pm
by Panther
Hello everyone!
I wonder if there is anyone who has attempted PS2 development with a ready-made IDE?
I tried DEV-CPP 5 but still have some problems in teaching the linker where to find the library files. I get a lot of undefined symbol errors compiling the "hello" sample out of the ps2SDK, but no "#include not found" error. Maybe I've overlooked some setting, but it seems DEV-CPP automatically generates its own makefile, denying me to make some subtle changes apart from adding options here and there on the command line. It is a pity, since DEV-CPP claims to be able to drive GDB, which is too much of an advantage not to mention.
Is there someone who has managed to make DEV-CPP work?
Or, is there someone who can suggest a better IDE for the Win32 environment which has proven to be working?


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:06 pm
by ole
Not tested with any of the dev-id. But MinGW developer studio looks promising. In the options you can specify path to the compiler (mingw is gcc too) and also the library paths. Maybe It's worth a try.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:49 am
by apache37
I work with Visusal C++ 6 and the .NET IDE for windows without a problem.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:08 am
by mharris

Hey, it works for me ;-)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:44 pm
by Oobles
Last year sometime I looked at getting Eclipse with the CDT plugin setup for ps2dev. They have just released CDT version 2.0 and Eclipse 3.0, so it would be interesting to have another look at this and see if it can be setup.

As usual, I haven't got time to actually do this right now. But I'd be interested in the results of anyone else looking at it. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:41 pm
by Panther
I feared Visual Studio would have been one of the answers :cry: since it costs absolutely too much for me. Thanks anyway apache37. However, the MinGW alternative sounds like a good idea. I'll get a copy from SourceForge and see if I can manage to get something out of it. Thanks ole.
Also, thanks Oobles for the Eclipse idea. I've had a look at their web site and I must admit it seems an outstanding product which can do wonders. Too bad it has been a heck of a download (54+ megs for the IDE, not to mention plug-ins...)! If I manage to get something out of it I'll send in a little tutorial on how to set it up for the ps2SDK.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:52 pm
by ole
I'm affraid that MinGW developer studio is not opensource project. But It's free. More info is here:

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:22 am
by mharris
Panther wrote:Also, thanks Oobles for the Eclipse idea. I've had a look at their web site and I must admit it seems an outstanding product which can do wonders. Too bad it has been a heck of a download (54+ megs for the IDE, not to mention plug-ins...)!
If you think it takes a long time to download, wait 'til you see how long the app takes to start up ;-)

Make sure you have plenty of memory (all the J2EE developers where I work now have a full gig of ram on their systems).

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:56 pm
by Panther
mharris: I only have 256MB... Hope it won't take this forever you made me think of... :)

However, I still didn't try it as I have a nice little problem to solve up now... hope someone has a solution to suggest, as I'm completely clueless.

My GCC toolchain is put together as per instructions, using the share directory with the cygwin files provided there. I was able to compile and run every sample projects until I tried installing the latest MinGW Developer Studio downloaded from
From that point on, every exe I run which needs cygwin1.dll (ee-gcc, make, etc.) gives out no output on the command line and just returns to the prompt.
I've wiped out MinGW and made a fresh install of the toolchain in a new directory, but this didn't help.
I've cleaned the registry from cygwin entries.
I've checked the environment variables but didn't find anything strange.
I've made sure to SET PATH=. to avoid other stuff getting into question.
I've scanned my drive in search for /etc, /usr and the like, but didn't find anything.
As a last resort, I've debugged make.exe with WDasm to see what the hell is going on, and found out that, of course, make.exe is properly calling fputs and fprintf out of cygwin1.dll. Surprisingly, when debugging make.exe with WDasm, the make output appears in the dos window. Aaarghh!!! :-x
At this point I guess stdout and stderr have been redirected to God-knows-where, but simply can't find where this thing has been written for cygwin to read it from.

Anyone has a good exorcist to suggest?


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:25 am
by ole
I have installed mingw studio (multiple times), mingw, ps2dev compilers and still cygwin programs show output (tested ee-g++, cp, less, touch). I have no idea, sorry. Maybe reinstall cygwin...

Re: ole

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:48 pm
by Panther
I have finally succeeded in making the toolchain work again! :)
ole wrote:I have installed mingw studio (multiple times), mingw, ps2dev compilers and still cygwin programs show output (tested ee-g++, cp, less, touch).
ole: Thanks alot for your comment; The MinGW Studio thing was strongly pushing me out of track!

In order to have a quick link on the desktop to open the PS2DEV environment, I made a shortcut to CMD.EXE (I'm using WinXP) using the /K parameter to run the environment setup batch file and keep the dos window open. Too bad I have also set the shortcut to operate the target in Windows 95 compatiblity mode (which I ALWAYS do with DOS programs: it's stunning how many old DOS games like "The Secret of Monkey Island" I have managed to run anyway by using this compatiblity switch... with SB16 SOUND as well!). It is evident that I knew too little about CygWin. :-P
Belive it or not, activating the compatiblity switch causes problems in cygwin1.dll, which outputs nothing in the shell window.

If someone else happens to experience this problem, then by all means try disabling the Windows 95 compatiblity mode in your shortcut.

I'll post here any further progress with Dev-CPP, MinGW Studio or Eclipse.
In the meanwhile, thanks everyone for your help.

edited: phpbb didn't like the quote command 'cause BBCode was off :P


Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:20 pm
by Lukasz
I use Editplus ( ), its lightweight text editor, which also supports syntax highlight and configurable short-cuts. I simple press ctrl+<number> to build any of my projects. Editplus also captures the output and you can click on the error and goes to the line the the file, kinda like any other IDE. It also supports new syntax files, I've created one for the vu0 macro instructions and there is one avaliable for mips ;)

Just a suggestion.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 6:30 pm
by jjay
Just an other suggestion for linux users : Anjuta

This program is under the license of the GPL and the developpement is still active.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:26 pm
by Drakonite
jjay wrote:Just an other suggestion for linux users : Anjuta

This program is under the license of the GPL and the developpement is still active.
It's also rather forceful about using auto tools and even GTK last time I used it, which is a BadThing(TM) for PS2 development. Granted, I haven't tried it in a while so this may be resolved.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:18 pm
by pixel
It is quite a nice tool nowadays. It allows you to create a simple "makefile project", that is, it will only handle file editing, and you have to provide a makefile so that it can "build" the project. Although I like this feature, I still use midnight commander as my primary source code editor :-D

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:52 pm
by fluke
mharris wrote: If you think it takes a long time to download, wait 'til you see how long the app takes to start up ;-)
And this from someone that runs emacs? During the 90's, the running joke was that the name stood for Eight Megs And Continually Swaping. There is something twisted about an IDE which comes with a manual for sex! :)

Coders that are worried about start-up times use vim.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:57 pm
by blackdroid
exactly, and we all know that "the vim" coders are the ones who get things done :)

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:56 am
by mharris
fluke wrote:And this from someone that runs emacs? During the 90's, the running joke was that the name stood for Eight Megs And Continually Swaping. There is something twisted about an IDE which comes with a manual for sex! :)

Coders that are worried about start-up times use vim.
Hehe, point taken :-) I've also heard Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift, which describes the keystrokes needed for some commands...

Of course, since you can do everything in emacs (never tried sex, though), you only need to restart emacs when you first log in... And it works just as nicely under X as it does from an ssh command line...