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IR Gamepad?

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:18 pm
by sohaibma
i want to make my ps2 gamepad wireless. i mean communication b/w gamepad and ps2 through Infrared
can anyone help me on this. (i need schematics for the circuit)
thanx in advance

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:30 am
by J.F.
It'd be cheaper to buy a wireless controller than to make your own. You'd need a microcontroller chip like a PIC, a PIC programmer, an IR transmitter and receiver, misc parts, a spare PS2 extension cable to hack up for the connectors, the ability to make your own circuit board, etc., etc., etc..

Re: IR Gamepad?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:33 pm
by spooo
sohaibma wrote:hi
i want to make my ps2 gamepad wireless. i mean communication b/w gamepad and ps2 through Infrared
can anyone help me on this. (i need schematics for the circuit)
thanx in advance
I want to do the same. For fun, and without the analog part of the gamepad.

What I have:
- an (unofficial) IR receiver (which works with any sony dvd remote control).
- I have an old PSX gamepad (not analog)
- Some knowledge in PICS (microchip 16f84)
- an IR receiver on my PC (so to analyse the remote control codes)
- some knowledges about IR codes (check - I built a receiver and made a small piece of software long ago)

What I need:
- time
- to get the IR codes from the remote control
- time
- make a program for the PIC (easy, many examples on the net, check, the stuff seems already be done for 16f628)
- more time
- make the hardware part (easy, there are 18 i/o pins on 16f628 which is > 14 buttons on psx joy, plus one for the IR emitter).

This is my two cents. I'll let you know and publish my work if I find some spare time under the carpet... :o

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:42 pm
by blackdroid
/me hands sohaibma time+10

Re: IR Gamepad?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:47 am
by J.F.
spooo wrote: - make a program for the PIC (easy, many examples on the net, check, the stuff seems already be done for 16f628)
- more time
- make the hardware part (easy, there are 18 i/o pins on 16f628 which is > 14 buttons on psx joy, plus one for the IR emitter).
If you're really wanting to work on something like this, here's a few pointers.

You aren't transmitting the individual buttons, you are transmitting the serial streams and control lines. The PSX/2 port consists of a serial in, a serial out, a serial clock, a command line, and an acknowlege line. The serial runs at 250 KBaud.

What you want to do is have the pic at the controller transmit a code that tells the receiver at the PS2:
1) the status line changed along with it's new value
2) a serial byte is being sent to the PS2 along with the byte

The pic at the PS2 needs to receive the above and also transmit to the controller:
1) the command line has changed along with the new value
2) a serial byte is being sent to the controller along with the byte

So you see you need a PIC and a transmitter and receiver at both the controller and the PS2. This makes a virtual extension cable in effect.

Edit: Actually, it's probably easier to use high-speed PICs and just have the PS2 end continuously transmit the state of the command, serial out, and serial clock lines, while the controller end continuously transmits the state of the acknowlege and serial in lines. That way you don't have to worry about timing and synchronizing and any of that stuff. It requires higher speed parts, but it REALLY simplifies the problem.