So... you have a C program that runs on the PS2 and you have a Lua environment set up? Have you initialized Lua? Using Lua on the PS2 is pretty straitforward, but there are some changes to get Lua to compile. If you need I can post a diff from Lua 5.1 to get it to work on the PS2.
Assuming you have Lua compiling and linking with your C program, you need to initialize it like this:
Code: Select all
// Create lua VM
lua_State *g_luaVM = lua_open();
// Open standard libs (optional)
To load a file simply:
Code: Select all
if (luaL_dofile(g_luaVM, "main.lua"))
printf("Executing main.lua failed.\n");
I usually load a file that looks something like this:
Code: Select all
objRot = createVector()
objPos = createVector()
localWorld = createMatrix()
worldView = createMatrix()
localScreen = createMatrix()
viewScreen = createMatrix()
pointCount = 36
cubePoints = createPointArray(pointCount)
cubePoints[0] = 0 cubePoints[1] = 1 cubePoints[2] = 2
-- setup point array code removed...
cubePoints[33] = 21 cubePoints[34] = 22 cubePoints[35] = 23
vertexCount = 24
vertices = createVertexArray(vertexCount)
vertices[0*4] = 10 vertices[0*4+1] = 10 vertices[0*4+2] = 10 vertices[0*4+3]=1
-- setup vertex array code removed...
vertices[23*4]= 10 vertices[23*4+1]=-10 vertices[23*4+2]=-10 vertices[23*4+3]=1
colours = createVertexArray(vertexCount)
-- Setup Color area code removed...
function update()
-- update object position based on user input
objRot[0] = objRot[0] + (normJoyAxis(pad[1].RJOY_V) / 20)
objRot[1] = objRot[1] + (normJoyAxis(pad[1].RJOY_H) / 20)
objPos[0] = objPos[0] + normJoyAxis(pad[1].LJOY_H)
objPos[1] = objPos[1] - normJoyAxis(pad[1].LJOY_V)
-- setup matrices for rendering
create_local_world(localWorld, objPos, objRot)
create_world_view(worldView, camPos, camRot)
create_local_screen(localScreen, localWorld, worldView, viewScreen)
-- queue an object for rendering
queue_render_buffers(localScreen, vertexCount, vertices, colours, pointCount, cubePoints)
And then in my main() loop I do:
With that being defined as:
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void executeLuaFunc(const char *fname)
lua_getglobal(g_luaVM, fname);
if (lua_isfunction(g_luaVM, -1))
lua_pcall(g_luaVM, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
lua_pop(g_luaVM, 1);
To get input from the pad I used the simple rpc/pad example from ps2sdk. I just use the pad state to update some variables in Lua.
The lua functions that I call are based on ps2sdk and can perform some simple rendering and setup. If you need more help, please post.