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Newbie requests for help on cygwin setup !!!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:11 pm
by FuLong
Hi all,
Could some one gives me a list of what minimum pakages and it version that i should install under the cygwin installation ?? I had read through the link : but i didn't get the version they told when cygwin installation. Thanks.
I'm new to PS2 development and also the linux environment programming. So i don't know whether i just need to install this : that all or i have to follow the whole steps which is told in the link : ?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:19 pm
by neofar

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:49 am
by dlanor
I haven't really followed PSP developments, as I have no use whatever for that console myself (or any other handheld console), but I can't believe that installing the PSPDEV stuff will help "FuLong", as he asked for help with the PS2DEV installation.

Of course, it may be useful to have a working Cygwin install first, but there's no reason at all for him to have a lot of PSP specific stuff installed if he's not going to use it, and he will need the PS2 specific stuff instead, which you left out of your description.

Unfortunately I can't provide the missing details myself, as the files and URLs I used for my own installation are no longer valid... :(

Best regards: dlanor

Re: Newbie requests for help on cygwin setup !!!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:02 am
by Saotome
FuLong wrote:...So i don't know whether i just need to install this...
Yes, if you want to keep it as easy as possible then you can use the PS2DevWin32 package .I'm using it as well - after the installation you just need to call the ps2dev.bat in the console, go to your project path and type make - All my projects compile without problems.
But if you need the newest sources you should use the cygwin installation (This can really take some hours - thats why I installed the win32 pakage on my new PC ;P).

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:53 am
by FuLong

Thz .... but i'm wondering that after installing the PS2DevWin32 package, we still able to use the "Crimson Editor" to link with it as told in last portion ?

For the Cygwin Installation, i'm most concern on what pakages version i should install ? The newest ? Or i should follow this link : ?
Cygwin 1.5.18-1
Coreutils 5.3.0-9
Findutils 4.3.25-2
Sed 4.1.4-1

but what i can choose during the installation now only as below :
Cygwin 1.5.21-2
Coreutils 5.97-1 , 5.94-1 , 6.4-1
Findutils 4.3.1-1 , 4.2.27-1
Sed 4.1.5-1 , 4.1.5-2
so i really don't know which to install ?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:20 pm
by Ramon
Install Cygwin with the current version.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:02 pm
by FuLong
Current version is ??? Default version ???

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:36 pm
by FuLong

Yeah .... i tried the PS2DevWin32 package and it work well with the Crimson Editor.... But is the PS2DevWin32 package not able to run the Linux shell (bash) ??

Besides, as i told before -- i'm a beginner, is there any turtorial to teach how to write the "makefile" and "linkfile" for ps2 source code compiling? Thz ...

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:53 am
by ps2devman
Here are a few hints for beginners

Procedure for installing clean and legal development environment for PS2 (PS2Dev) on Windows :
(successfully tested on October 1st 2006)

(based on page

1) Be sure to have last version of cygwin (a free and legal unix-like environment for Windows)
Go on, click "install or update now!" in middle of page. The small setup program will offer you to download or update all components of cygwin (take them all). That can take all the day. Be patient.
Repository in Belgium is very good. Will consume several gigabytes of disk space. Try to have 20Gb available for safety. Choose c:\cygwin and c:\cygwin_downloads, for example, when pathes are asked.
Cygwin includes GNU compilers and all stuff you may need later in order to produce your own programs.

2) Download PS2Dev directly from SVN
Start the cygwin icon to start a unix session, and navigate :
cd ..
cd ..
cd usr
cd local
You are now in /usr/local (c:\cygwin\usr\local for Windows)
Create directory ps2dev right here
cd ps2dev

Use the following commands to obtain the list of available directories :
svn list svn:// >ps2.txt
svn list svn:// >ps2ware.txt
svn list svn:// >ps2sdk.txt
There are other directories for PSP and PS3 developpers :
svn list svn:// >psp.txt
svn list svn:// >pspware.txt
svn list svn:// >ps3.txt

Download the following directories with these commands :
svn checkout svn://
svn checkout svn://
svn checkout svn://
svn checkout svn://
svn checkout svn://

ps2toolchain : allows you to create /usr/local/ps2dev contents
(In this directory /bin, /ee and /iop will hold specific needed
executables. The file README.TXT explains everything.)

ps2sdk : libraries to link with your program (samples supplied)

gsKit : library useful to send primitives to GPU through DMA
(version 0.3 manages to display 27800 triangles per frame)

ps2client : a command that can be triggered in your makefile and
will upload the .elf executable in your ps2 (with ps2link runs)

SMS : A whole application, allowing to see movies and such.
The most confusing in ps2 development is the need to upload code
in the iop (ps1 processor) then have the main code located in the
ee (ps2 processor) running and able to communicate with the iop.
SMS shows a way to encapsulate irx files (code modules for iop)
inside the ee main program source code, and how to upload them.
The result is just one .elf file (code module for ee) that loads
well and fast in ps2. File can be burnt on cd-r (use cdgenps2 to
create iso file then burn it with alcohol 120% in DAO/SAO mode)
or upload it through network with ps2link cd running inside ps2.

3)Try to compile SMS
Personally I got hard to understand compiler errors in 2 files.
I fixed them by just moving functions at top of files (because
of forward references you will have to add some prototypes for
these moved functions). I think errors are just symbols buffers
overflows and they disappear by changing order of functions...

4)Run it. You should at least see the main menu.
There are constants in graphic initialization function that allow
to switch to HDTV resolution (480p). With a HDTV component cable
and a compotent to VGA adapter you obtain incredible quality
on a 16/9 TV that has a VGA input. Same trick works for gsKit.

Have fun with your PS2!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:34 pm
by cosmito

See this thread :
Look for the iderlei link.