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USB on new PS2s

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:22 pm
by zaphod
Apparently the new slimline model has USB 2.0 ports that are backwards compatible.

This is useful information for those writing USB drivers.

It also makes using external hard drves to store homebrew software on a much more attractive proposition, and access can be implemented thru usb_mass.irx

Of course since the exploit is closed on them it's tricky to get code running, but if you open the thing up you can disable the lid sensor, and then use the old gameshark swap method or some other suitable swap disc.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:29 pm
by Guest
Calling them USB 2.0 doesn't mean anything.

It is legal to call a USB implementation as 2.0 that is as slow as, and identical to, the old USB 1.1. I think this is referred to as "Normal USB 2.0" or some stupid stuff.

Only a USB 2.0 implementation designated as "hi-speed" or something like that is the true real new USB 2.0 implementation.

You can blame sales and marketing droids for this blatant gimmick.

So, the jury is still out on whether the new PStwo's have the truly new and really fast USB 2.0 implementation.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:16 pm
by pixel
Please, don't give ps2ownz any credit about technical information. Moreover, they said they got the "pstwo has usb2.0" information on sony's consumer service line. Would you really rely on such a source... ? Have you ever phoned such a line ?

Like gorim said, we still have to wait before seeing any real outcome. And, of course, we will need to wait a game using the "hi speed" version of the usb in order to know precise informations about the new hypothetical ehci registers. Or do lots of test and trials on the IOP.

If I were to bet, I'd put some bucks on the "Usb1.1". Don't trust rumors.

Ah, last thing: Usb1.1 is 12mbps. Usb2.0 is 480mbps. Usb takes more cpu time to work than any other device to achieve transferts (than ethernet or IDE that is), since (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) USB doesn't have any interrupt-driven system, but only a polling-driven system. IOP is a... what... 36Mhz CPU..... ?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:47 pm
by clement
I believe that USB is interrupt driven since I can see that each "USB host controller" on the PC has a IRQ assigned to it under "Device Manager" in Windows.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:56 pm
by pixel
No, I mean, when a USB device want to notify its host that there is data available for him (like a mouse you move that want to notify your computer, or when a harddrive you read want to notify you the data you requested are available), there is no "upstream" mechanism. So the computer has to poll constantly each devices to see "if they have something to tell to the computer".

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:00 am
by ooPo
I wasn't aware there was so much homebrew software available that a hdd was needed to store it all.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:37 am
by Guest
ooPo wrote:I wasn't aware there was so much homebrew software available that a hdd was needed to store it all.
But...but... its an excellent Dev exercise to discuss how it could happen ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:06 am
by zaphod
WEll, there's BEats Of Rage (legal version) which can take fairly good sized pak files. And in the future, more game engines will follow. Besides, everyone knows software expands to fill available space. :)

One very good use for such a device would be a linux install for PS2, once the RTE gets reversed properly. Or maybe even a version that DOESN'T require the RTE, as libraries keep getting developed here. That would be a good use for the HD, right?

if I had one of te new units, I'd attempt to get some homebrew code running on it (using a AR MAX) and see about confirming it myself, but I'm a bit low of funds at the moment. in tthe meantime, my network adaptor will have to suffice. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:06 am
by ooPo
I'm just trying to be the voice of reason here. :)

But, its good to hear there's interest in finishing the homebrew RTE mrbrown gave away before he went professional. Take a look:


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:24 am
by mrbrown
The PS2's OCHI USB controller is interrupt driven. But as Pixel says, you still have the problem of how many interrupts you can service on the 36Mhz IOP, after you factor in other subsystems that use interrupts or that *do* poll, such as any driver that uses SIO2 (memcard and pad).

I don't see how the new PS2 could support USB (if it were 2.0) as mass storage given that all existing HDD games go through the expansion port. Are you saying Sony retrofitted that to run on top of USB? That doesn't sound feasible to me.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:10 am
by zaphod
WEll, it's entirely feasable that Sony COLD do it. they just haven't yet. but an external USB adaptor and special enclosure could be made, which had the usb device authenticate the drive, to lock out 3rd party drives, and a new utility disc woudl be made that woudl support it.

But i was thinking about other possible uses not related oto getting commercial software onto a hard drive.

not usb 2.0

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:49 am
by smitty
i've seen this discuused on other forums. originally someone mistook 2 usb ports for usb 2.0. the ports are certainly not usb 2.0. i could find where i read this and post a link if you like.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:43 am
by Guest
Thanks for the offer smitty. I think we all pretty much knew from the beginning it wasn't going to be USB 2.0. It was convincing the misled few that was the problem...

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:42 am
by TerryMathews
The problem is also that someone on Sony's line could very well have said that the PS2 has USB 2.0 ports, because it does. USB 2.0 full speed.

full speed == USB 1.1.
high speed == 480mbps.

I'd assinate the USB Forum if I ever had the opportunity. This has made buying computer components so much more difficult than it used to be.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:41 am
by zaphod
WEll this has now been discussed to death elsewhere. and it seems transfer speeds are not above the rates of the orignal ps2 large boxes.

too bad.

I just wish someone would press a simple elf loader that will read USB drives to CD and sell it cheap.

Currently I know 4 elf loaders on CD, which are the only way to get homebrew on a slimline wihout voiding the warranty.

1) Max Media Player (which people here have a good reason not to like)
2) Swap Magic (which peole her ehave a good reason not to like)
3) Pro Loader (which peole here have a good reason not to like.
4) pirated pressed naplink CDs, which people here REALLY have a good reason not to like.

A simple elf loader pressed and sold on CD with the authors blessing would be a fine product, and will not enhance piracy in any way, as you cannot bypass the console's protection with software alone. Sure it will allow running of a certain infamous product, but as that product is worthless on slim ps2s, i'd say thats not much of an issue. Perhaps it could be engineered to ONLY work on consoles that the independence exploit does not, and put up a screen with a website address and a message on how to get independence working if the console supports it.