How To Set-Up an IDE (eclipse) for PS2 Development

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How To Set-Up an IDE (eclipse) for PS2 Development

Post by crashnburn987 »

Hi All,
Hopefully someone will find this information usefull. As the story goes, I've been running alot of homebrew code on my PS2 for some time now. I always said to myself, man... it would be cool if it could do this too.... then I remembered I was a software engineer. Oh yeah! anyways, if your not as old school as most of the seasoned programmers on here, and would love to get involved in the Dev scene but are afraid of the comand line, then read on!

Below is instructions on how to set up the Eclipse IDE for development on a Win32 platform.

1.) Download Eclipse IDE. it can be found here :
this is an open source IDE, very nice.
2.) Install eclipse, hope u can figure that out :)
3.) update eclipse so it can handle C/ C++.
3a.)Startup Eclipse and go to the Help ->Software Updates -> find and install.
3b.)u want "search for new features"
3c.)click on new remote site, and use this URL :
3d.)after the progress bar completes, get the C and C++ parts, your going to want CDT 2.0.2
3e.)after installation, restart eclipse.
4.)Download PS2Dev environment for WIN32 found here:
5.)Run the installer, if you already have CYGWIN on you comp, view the readme, cus your going to get conflicts. (also check that it sets your PATH correctly, mine gets messed up sometimes).
6.)Fire up eclipse again, right click in the left window, and select new -> project. You want the "C" option, and Standard Make C Project. give it a name.
7.)Right click on the new project u just made, and go down to properties.
8.)Go to C Project Paths, and the source tab. highlight your project and hit add folder-> advanced -> link to folder in the filesystem - >browse.
9.)Browse to the PS2Lib folder in your file system. If you used the default installation, it should be located in: C:\PS2Dev\ps2lib
10.)go to the output tab, and add this same path there as well.
11.)go to C/C++ include paths / symbols. click your project and "add external include paths" add thses 3 paths:


12.)Hit Ok and let everything rebuild. You will notice the Binaries, Archives and Includes as well as the source folders. thats good.
13.) go back into your project properties, go to C/C++ Make Project.
13a.)In the Make Builder Tab, at the bottom you will see Build Directory. USE THIS TO NAVIGATE TO THE PATH OF THE MAKEFILE YOU WANT TO EXECUTE WHEN YOU SELECT BUILDPROJECT.
13b.)so if we put \PS2Dev\ps2lib, we can build the entire PS2LIB!
14.)Your all set to go now!

A nice place to start is ps2lib/ee/samples/hello . this is your typical "hello world" example. point your project properties at that make file, and select build project. take the resulting ELF load it to your PS2, exec it and viola! hello world!

when you clean all, it gets rid of the directory ps2lib/ee/libkernel/OBJ folder, when u try to make all, that make file has the incorrect command to make the OBJ directory back. either fix the makefile, or manually add the OBJ folder!

PS2LIB not enough? download the PS2SDK and just copy the necessary *.c and *.h 's into your workspace and rebuild!

Good Luck!
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