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this is probabley not possibel

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:23 pm
by omegatron
can i change the ps2 boot screen premanently.... without things like naplink or others because the whole ftp thing dont work for me no router..

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:11 pm
by blackdroid
uhm you want to replace the bios or what ?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:42 am
by pixel
I'd say that one can do anything with a good soldering iron, and a lot of patience.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:26 am
by blackdroid
or a good batch of lsd

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:07 am
by omegatron
i just want to cahnge the cloudy playstation logon in the begining.... make it a diff vid clip such as xbox boot screen can this be done without fancy cables and naplink and such

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:36 am
by ooPo
Do you want us to render a nice video for you while we're at it?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:44 am
by soks
wow, everyone here IS evil =(

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:58 am
by Drakonite
Only when called for.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:39 am
by J.F.
Hi, I want my 35" TV to show a different display when it's not receiving a signal. I get tired of that "white noise" video. Maybe someone here can give me step-by-step instructions on how to do this?
;) :D

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:33 pm
by soks
Well just because people don't have a conceptual ... ANYTHING on certain topics doesn't mean they have to be blasted to death.

I mean maybe someday more "user" types around here might be helpful other than "developer" and "lunatic" types.

I wasn't mentioning everyone so all you "tubgirl" types stop complaining.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:04 pm
by ooPo
It was the moment that he asked to do it without fancy cables/etc that I realized he wasn't interested in learning how to do it but was instead interested in just having it done.

What can I say? We're a development-oriented site.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:20 pm
by Guest
soks wrote:Well just because people don't have a conceptual ... ANYTHING on certain topics doesn't mean they have to be blasted to death.

I mean maybe someday more "user" types around here might be helpful other than "developer" and "lunatic" types.

I wasn't mentioning everyone so all you "tubgirl" types stop complaining.
This really isn't a user oriented site. There are other very good sites out there that cater to normal-user types trying to get that much more extra experience out of their PS2 by using stuff developed from homebrew.

You do have a point, many of us tend to have a rough handling of certain types of questions. Much of it is playful trolling. Usually people who can handle the trolling and show serious interest in dev get lots of good help.

Think of it this way: unless there is already a canned solution, there is an enormous investment in time needed to explain things to people and provide any technical assistance through even trivial problems for which there is an as-yet undocumented solution.

I dare say, you seem to have survived thus far. ;) You are even in the top 10 posters to this site. ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:26 am
by soks
You know what, I have, and I've been feeling urges to leave plenty, but usually it's... *cough* won't say name *cough*. Which is funny because everyone laughs of his trolling abilities.

Ok fine, I really forgot the name.

Yes I see your point.

I apologize for the troll stopping.

Troll away.

Like the hair little naked dudes.


I'm going to go write user friendly toturials now.

Then I'm going to go fix the typos.

Maybe I should start now.

Now wait, that's too far away from the blinking thing.

This is development oriented... if I make a small fansite with usefull stuff and installation rules think you guys feel like hosting it? I can't... do anything... stupid dorm. (All this just for that space invaders game... Oh man I love it.)


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:18 am
by Drakonite
soks: Not sure what you mean by a "fansite" so I can't answer your question there... but the term "fansite" makes me think the answer is a no.


One should clarify that we are not a sony end user support site, but for programs that we produce we do, for the most part, provide the end user support here...

But anyways, I'll neither say whether I agree or disagree with what happened in this post but I do wish to point out that my only involvement up until now has been to make fun of soks...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:21 pm
by soks

No... wait...


End user support? what the f->k?

You really think I want to waste my time with that?
Dear god sir no, go put some pants on you naked little troll.

You filthy naked little troll.

And you smell.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:23 pm
by Guest
soks wrote:
This is development oriented... if I make a small fansite with usefull stuff and installation rules think you guys feel like hosting it? I can't... do anything... stupid dorm. (All this just for that space invaders game... Oh man I love it.)


I think people around here are always happy to add useful content that furthers development efforts. :)

If you are writing documentation on how people can use the stuff here, thats great! I suggest contacting Oobles and discussing it with him, since he is the one that can give you any access you need.

However, as Drakonite mentioned, fansites that are not dedicated to actual development, but rather are specific to games ports and end-products of the tools developed here, usually often do not get hosted here (although the source often is in CVS). But you might consider They frequently host sub-sites such as Quake, BoR, etc... many people who develop here have such sub-sites at

Usually, the sites go like this: -> PS[123XP] hardware and software research and tools development. The *DEV* scene. -> PS2[123XP] commercial and homebrew end-user products and experimenting. Fans, hardware mods, software mods, tinkering. Normally referred to just as *the Scene*.

There of course is often a little overlap between the two, though they are oriented towards different groups. But personally I find them very complementary.

Again, don't let the trolling get to you. Personally I have found your posts written in a rather delightful manner and hope you keep contributing. Most of us have lived through high-pressure jobs and life-experiences so have built up thick skin. ;)