Who said I was getting files off the UMD??

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Who said I was getting files off the UMD??

Post by steddy »

Why lock a topic that isn't promoting piracy?

My question was related to dev and reading files on the UMD, not copying them to the PC.

I want to search through the BOOT.BIN file from code running on the PSP and output strings for API calls. I don't see how this breaks forums rules more than any other topic.

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Post by mrbrown »

I posted a link further explaining why I locked the topic. No, it wasn't promoting piracy, but we can't facilitate piracy either. Posting code to show people how to read from UMDs could encourage others to use that code for piracy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there are no other PSP dev sites that have posted UMD code. Besides, you have more than enough to do it on your own by studying what's currently there.
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Post by steddy »


Understood. Apologies for starting a thread that could be misused.

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Post by lmx »

piracy bad
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Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:53 am

Post by steddy »

Agreed, though my reasons were to extract the contents of my own disk and in order to learn more API function imports. That is not piracy.

But I now understand that other people may want to do this for reasons that are not the same as mine, and thats not good.

I am not actually against piracy from a morale standpoint but from a personal one. I have chipped systems in the past and always found that games instantly lose appeal and value for me. A game I would have played for weeks I will play for minutes. I stopped doing that years ago and the only recent system I chipped was the Xbox, and I only did that so I could use it as a media player. I still by a couple of Xbox originals per month.

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