Internal Speakers...

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Internal Speakers...

Post by dsltech_dude »

Hey guys.

This might be the stupidest thing you've ever heard, or you already know about it. But I found that if you lay your PSP flat, bottom facing you, while playing MP3's it GREATLY improves the sound. Anyway, hopes this helps someone...

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Post by Agoln »

I dont have my PSP in front of me ATM, but if I remember correctly, it's probably because the speakers are at the bottom, near the back, and putting it face down just makes it so the sound doesn't have to bounce off of something before it gets to your ears. I'm not a big sound buff or anything, so it may be completly wrong, but that would be my guess.
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Post by byg »

And I have found that if you hold the PSP with the screen facing you and the UMD drive door facing away, it greatly improves the screen visibility!
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Post by _Psycho »

Even if its not important, its true that the sound get like twice lourder and better when you hold your psp and put it "flat". Almost look like the sound come from the bottom and not the 2 holes left and right of the psp in the front
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Post by vega »

I find removing batteries affects all of these things in a negative way.
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Post by wulf »

I'm sure that sony made it like that so that when you hold the psp in a natural position, the sound waves would bounce off of your body and create a more "full" sound, similar in principal to the way one holds an acoustic guitar. (with a little corner of space between your body and the guitar). the shape of the environment that a soundwave is released into has just about as much to do with the quality as the quality of the speaker does.
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