PSPWare for Windows is now available!

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PSPWare for Windows is now available!

Post by zigzag »

Just a heads up that PSPWare for Windows is now available from:

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Post by Drakonite »

So... it's a commercial program that does the same thing a lot of freeware software does? I don't see how someone could be so excited about this.
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Post by AeroLeviathan »

Because it does its job very nicely. It has a level of polish not too common in the Windows world these days (probably because it was originally a Mac app). I'd even go so far as to call it elegant.

As a novice programmer, I kind of appreciate seeing something that was just implemented so well, unlike the tangled mess that so many of the freeware alternatives are.

I guess RMS wouldn't approve, but just because it has a small price tag doesn't mean it's evil. If it's not for you, so be it. But it's very nice. That's why people are talking about it.
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Post by ooPo »

As an experienced coder, I find charging people cash for simple tasks with a pretty interface is tacky. It is also disrespectful to those who originally figured out how to do those simple tasks.

Shareware like this is mostly dead on platforms other than the Mac. Even there it is slowly dying. You're going to have to offer something really grand if you want to sell it, and even then you only have a limited time until someone codes up a clone.

I wonder what will happen to small companies like this when the transition to x86 is complete.
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Post by glitchbit »

I actually like a lot of programs that the japanese and chinese make they're are simple straight forward and to the point, I don't got to dig through a mess of gui's that slow me down. PBP unpacker vs PBP settings? PBP settings is way easier and mainly just quicker to use despite its foreign origin. It's like tabbed browsing vs no tabs oo.
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Post by Drakonite »

It's not that I have a problem with commercial software, but this program has been posted here multiple times before, with little to know explination, and I don't want these forums to become a spamming ground for commercial apps.
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Post by zigzag »

I read and participate in these forums some what, and since I work with Nullriver Software, I thought I'd mention the release. It is not just like the other programs... one huge difference it is a sync application, where everything is mostly automated such that you need minimal interaction... ie. just plug the PSP in and it will sync your iTunes playlists, photos, backup, etc. This is the key that a lot of people seem to miss... We are different and we stand behind our product, we don't think ANY free alternative is even close to our product and the feedback we receive from our customers confirms this over and over.
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Post by ooPo »

So why not help support the community you're feeding upon by giving away that which you've built upon their work?

Post by Guest »

I agree with Drakonite about the forums becoming dumping grounds for commercial release announcements, but there is a forum topic for that: PSP Software. Hence, so long as announcements for any kind of PSP software, whether commercial or free, or whatever, so long as its legally developed software, I don't worry too much.

My feeling is, if someone wants to charge for it, fine. Like Oopo said, someone will eventually code up a clone. But if someone else doesn't, fine.

But giving back to the community is best. People who write windows only apps (invariablly the same people who never release source code) seem to be the worst offenders about never giving back to the community.

A happy medium would be just as cool: release the command-line version or libraries, and shareware away the GUI version. The GUI is nothing more than value-add anyway, thus shareware'ing it gives the author incentive to improve it.
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Post by ooPo » ... =audacious
1 a : intrepidly daring : ADVENTUROUS <an audacious mountain climber> b : recklessly bold : RASH
2 : contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum : INSOLENT
3 : marked by originality and verve
See also:

1 : Posting on these forums charging for software that was developed using freely given information, but adds value like 'pretty' and 'automatic'.

2 : Defending it by stating 'we don't think ANY free alternative is even close to our product'.

There shouldn't have to BE a free alternative. You have taken and do not see fit to give back. You don't see us charging for tools and information just because nobody else is giving it out for free. We don't even ask for donations!

Personally, I'm of the opinion that commercial software has no place on these forums. Especially so since this software doesn't even run on the psp itself.

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Post by Lollerskates »

I'm just trying to figure out what possibly information they took from this board to make the program... other than possible data on the video format for conversion, their program simply moves files around and integrates with itunes.

Not that we need advertisements for commercial software, but perhaps this is news and worth it to someone... I'd never touch it personally :)
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Post by ooPo »

From their website, here's a few quick comments:
Its a radio too

Using third party software such as iPodder (a free download) together with PSPWare, you can listen to live-recorded audio streams on your PSP while you're on your way to school, work, or anywhere!
Reliance on a free tool to add a selling feature.
Widescreen, baby!

Take a movie, add it to PSPWare's movies section and PSPWare will automatically convert and optimize it for your PSP's screen. You can swap movies with a single click, making it super practical!
That would be tied into the video topics that took place here a few months back. Also, I hope they're not using any gpl-licensed encoders without following the requirements they agreed to by using them.
Integration friendly

You can integrate PSPWare 2.0 with existing or newly created applications through the new Dropboxes feature. Simply drop PSP-ready files into PSPWare's Dropboxes and sync the newly added content to the PSP.
"Here everyone, take our app and link it into your own software so we can get people buying ours just to run yours!"
Game haven

Its not easy to get to the last level, good thing there are game saves... but what if you lost a game save? When you use PSPWare, there's no such worry!
Located just above a screenshot that includes savegame information taken from the various files mapped here a while ago. Nice icons, game name, etc..

I can't wait until they add the pbp editor and automatic kxploit support.

Post by Guest »

Well, I am of two minds about this... I think in the past this thing just gets moved to off-topic, since it really is. It is only peripherally related to dev topics, and detracts from the dev purpose of the board.

As for someone charging money, not giving back to the community, etc... well, this is implicitly allowed in everything done here by the license used. But if people take information, and take tools, it is kinda tacky to post back in the places from where the stuff was taken to advertise the product.

Although to answer another poster, I don't think they necessarily took anything from the boards here, but it is the principle of the matter being argued in any event. Certainly much of the initial information on using the PSP was discussed on these boards many months ago, such as the file formats, getting home-ripped videos to play, etc...

I don't begrudge someone's right to market a commercial product. But like many others, I think the form of marketing leaves alot to be desired, not to mention the lack of attributions returned to the community.

But again, all someone has to do is make a better product for free and marginalize people who do not take a more enlightened approach.
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Post by ooPo »

No, you don't have to give anything back. If that was required it wouldn't really be free now, would it?

But, each time someone swoops in to make a quick buck or snarfs up information and 'forgets' to attach where it came from I feel less and less inclination to bother sharing next time. Watching the various psp hacker sites lately has been painful. Posting links and info as fast as possible with no regard for accuracy. Its all lost in the need to put more banner ads and injecting text files into zip archives to tell people to go to that site again in the future.

Imagine how I'd feel if I had actually publically released anything lately.

I don't do things for the benefit of others. I do it because I'm interested in learning and doing. The only reason I share is because they share back. As a community we get more done than each of us could do on our own.

'We' give, 'you' take. Well, I have something else you can take: Its in the shape of a boot and is exactly the size to fit in your ass.

I'm interested in seeing if you can build a viable business product around that.
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Post by TRF-Yu-Ki »

Ya know... not too much is original nowadays. Almost everything is really a prettied-up-one-stop-shop of a bunch of other stuff someone(s) made years ago. I work in SBC, and the software that they spend upwards of 500k on could be made by people on this forum in a few months of dedicated work. All they do is borrow on API calls already existant in DLLs that were suplied by Windows or whatever third-party app they know is on our computers.

I think most software out there leans off routines already existing; only making pretty UIs. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, just sayin' that there are people out there that will pay for this. Now, I do think that somewhere in the README.txt/About-dialog of the APP should give credit to the folks who made the initial discovery.

I think the reality of the computer-econimics we're in is coders quietly hack away in their basements just for the joy of it.... then the business-suits with the sweet-talkin' & marketing-eye see it, package it up with a pretty box and sell it. When did coders/hackers/etc ever get any credit for anything? ;-) I wonder who actually designed the first iPod? Really.... what was the FIRST portable computer-file-music player anyways? ;-)

*soapbox collapses under TRF-Yu-Ki*

Anywayz, as another poster said... this can only last as long as somebody else doesn't make a free-version of at least nearly equal functionality. In the meanwhile, coders & hackers & ooPo will continue despite lack of financial-compensation ^_^ ...'cuz y'all love it!
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Post by Drakonite »

Wow, this thread got out of hand... I just felt like being a bit of a jerk in a reply since they decided they needed to post multiple times about this, originally without saying anything about what it even did, and before they even had a product.
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