PSPDev Launcher / OS Support

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PSPDev Launcher / OS Support

Post by Arwin »

Hi Folks,

I was just wondering. It should be possible to start up an OS again after you exit your program, right?

So say that I run PSPDev Launcher, and then boot up an elf, say p-sprint, and then if I had code in p-sprint to boot up PSPDev Launcher upon exit, that would work, right?

I was thinking that we could easily make something a standard where you set a file on your PSP to become the default program to start after you've finished, something which devers then could easily support.

We could simply add a routine that reads the path to the OS program from a config file, and if it finds one, boots that, else exits. (This would make the system compatible with future OS versions that can catch out an application themselves. )

It would really be nice, and also save a lot of devtime - boot up PSPDev, enable USB mode, copy test.elf, boot up test.elf, exit test.elf to PSPDev, enable USB mode, copy test.elf, etc. ;)

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Post by liquid8d »

If the elf is run from a thread, you shouldn't need to call the program on exit... I'm looking into this..

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Post by JJPeerless »

uhh guys, have you seen my post on pspupdates, maxconsole, psp-spot, etc.. of my discordia 'os' its really just a shell tho..

which does basically what you guys are talking about
scroll down a bit to see the post

and heres the latest look of the gui as of today..
still far from being released..but getting there

the cursor is the crosshair, the icons are managed by a data file..they can be saved and loaded, they can be selected like in windows, they can be dragged/moved around, double click to execute them, new home button look, you can see in the video.. usb support is working, and it also detects when the umd is in the drive.. more to come
Posts: 426
Joined: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:00 pm

Post by Arwin »

I know, and I appreciate what you're doing. But I was wondering what method is used to return to the OS. Would you share that with us? Is it necessary to start the OS from the software or do you start a thread from the OS and hook up something into the callback for the home button so that it returns to your OS?
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