Thanks.shifty wrote:First, I *really* like the idea of two-press combos to type! I also
like the way the middle letters are slightly raised- matches the
buttons well.
I've noticed it too, once I realised that if I didn't look at the screen but just mentally thought where the buttons should be (not too hard, after all there's a clear logic there), it was much easier.Second, it feels backwards to me...I continuously hit the
second press, then the first. For some reason, when I locate
e.g. 'n' on the screen, my fingers go right to the mini version of the layout
and I press circle first, then square. maybe that would be better switched!
After your comment, I realise that the on-screen 'help' is main the problem here. There is too much mental interference between selecting a group and the location of the button.
I've come up with a new idea for this:
Code: Select all
l u r s t o
a!, (-) cde ijk opq uvw
:?; 'ab fgh lmn rst xyz
When typing a lot, I also noticed that some button combinations are easier to type. You would probably gain a lot of typing speed by rearranging the most used letters to the easiest combinations. My concern with that is that for someone who doesn't type very often, it will become a lot harder to look up the letters, like when you use a real keyboard for the first time (so-called 'hunt-and-peck-typing').
I just realised last night that I can use a lot of combined button presses for additional options. I was thinking about this for ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, and perhaps a cursor lock or (in phase 2) dictionary lookups. SELECT could be used to bring up a menu for this, but combinations that involve pressing two buttons could function as shortcuts.Next, capital letters are too intermixed to make them modal...ever
use the Palm Pilot's Grafitti system? Consider a combo that makes
the following single letter capitalized, then returns to lower. (Grafitti
also has a combo to swap b/t lower and upper mode for acronyms)
So say I want a capital letter 'E'. I could still use select to go into full CAPS, but I could also do right - right[keep pressed] - and then down/cross.
combo, keep second pressed, then right or circle(left or right ALT)
combo, keep second pressed, then left or square(left or right CTRL)
combo, keep second pressed, then up or triangle(left or right NUMLOCK)
combo, keep second pressed, then down or cross(left or right SHIFT)
down-triangle (CAPS-Lock)
down-square (CTRL-Lock)
down-circle (ALT-Lock)
down-cross (SPECIAL KEYS-Lock)
cross-left (customiseable / activate most-common-by-length dictionary)
cross-up (NUM-Lock)
cross-right (customiseable / activate search dictionary)
cross-down (CURS-Lock)
(still thinking about the best actual combinations)
With the above, it won't be necessary anymore. I would like to see select as a standard option for bringing up a context menu though. And start as a default for <Confirm> - that would also do away with the region confusion for cross and circle for confirm.Also, consider using a trigger instead of select.
For now, I'm going to try to stick to the eight buttons as much as possible. That way this keyboard standard will actually be portable to most keypad+four buttons devices, which could be very useful. And I still want to reserve the L and R button with the Analog stick for mouse simulation.Repeat isn't very important. Maybe left trigger for upper case + numbers.
I'll allow for customisation options to use additional buttons as shortcuts though.
I'll replace my failed attempt at inserting the Euro sign with the '~' in the next version.Finally, we're going to need a ~ (tilde) in there for URLs really soon!
Thanks! Yes, it does open up things a bit. :)This will enable so much.
I can't wait for a basic text editor. It will be useful. An interface for wget, too! Or lynx.......keep up the good work!