Which emulator is the fastest?

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Which emulator is the fastest?

Post by jason867 »

I was wondering, which of the 5 or so snes emulators released for the psp is the fastest? And is there any specific advantages or disadvantages to certain ones, other than speed?

If this is an inappropriate topic for this forum then tell me and I deeply apoligize.
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Post by nightwinn »

I think Snes9x_TYL v0.2c 23rd August 2005 is the fastest. It has some speed hacks and screen options. I personally use this one. I haven't tried the others, but I think Unofficial SNES9x for PSP has game genie support. Hope this answers your questions.
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Post by mrbrown »

Ah - this isn't an emu support board. "Which emu is the fastest" definitely doesn't belong here.
