Storing Music in Flash0 Memory

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Storing Music in Flash0 Memory

Post by NeoSkeith666 »

I was sitting bored in math class today and my mind was wandering. Then it came to me. What if there was a program that could dump music from the memory stick to a specialized folder in root of the flash chip. Then another homebrew program to load it, then you can have more music that you have on your memory stick. I dunno if anyone has tried this before, but, would it work?

Thanks-- Alex
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Post by ChaosKnight »

Stop me if I'm off at all here, but isn't there only 1MB of flash memory to begin with? That's a 45 second song or so... I doubt it will happen due to a lack of space. Unless you want to store MODs or MIDIs.
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Post by NeoSkeith666 » are you saying yes it would work if it was MIDI or no
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Post by ChaosKnight »

I'm saying it would work, but there's not much memory to put things in, so they have to be really small because most of the memory is already taken up by the PSP System Software.
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Post by Tim »

In general, writing to the flash is a Bad Thing. Sure, you could do it right and it'd be fine, but if you do it wrong, you're bricking your PSP. If you look at the cost per MB when buying a 1 gig mem stick, you're actually paying under 10 cents per meg, so is 10 cents of memory stick space really worth the risk of bricking your $250 PSP?

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Post by Musiker »

I agree with others here..
Writing to system flash is something that should be avoided at all cost. Flash can only be written a limited number of times before failing. The number of times a flash can be written differs greatly- Depending on things like the process the chip is produced with and the flash technology. With some flash technologies and production methods the vendor can promise 10.000+ writes with x failures in a million. Other do not guarantee anything, and only commit to typical values.

If a memory stick fail its not the end of youe PSPs life. It could be if you system flash fails!
So I take great care when I use homebrew which writes to System flash. I.e. I do not change version often, I do not up and downgrade etc..

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Post by Shapyi »

How big is the flash chip anyway? I'd imagine its not that big size most updates have only been 15-16 MB.

I tend to stay away from programs that modify the flash memory. Playing music from it is simply not feasible at all.
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