internal compiler error

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internal compiler error

Post by fl0w »


please forgive me if I post in the wrong section.

I've just installed the SDK. As a test, I've tried to compile the NeoCD emulator, downloaded from

Everything is fine until there:

psp-gcc -I/usr/local/pspdev/psp/sdk/include/libc -Isrc -Isrc/psp -Isrc/zip -Isr
c/zlib -Isrc/68k -Isrc/z80 -Isrc/video -Isrc/libmad -I. -I/usr/local/pspdev/psp/
sdk/include -O3 -g -fstrict-aliasing -DINLINE="static inline" -DLOWERCASEFILES -
include src/psp/floatonly.h -DCPU68K_USE_C68K -D_PSPyo_ -DZ80_EMULATED -DSOUND
rc/68k/c68k/c68kexec.c -oobj/68k/c68k/c68kexec.o
src/68k/c68k/c68kexec.c: In function 'C68k_Exec':
src/68k/c68k/c68kexec.c:268: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <URL:> for instructions.
make: *** [obj/68k/c68k/c68kexec.o] Error 1

and for your information:

$ psp-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: psp
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/pspdev --target=psp --enable-l
anguages=c,c++ --with-newlib --enable-cxx-flags=-G0
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.0.2 (PSPDEV 20051022)

Good luck... And thanks for all the work done!

EDIT: WinXP, latest Cygwin
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:41 pm

Post by fl0w »

fixed :)

regtool -i set /HKLM/Software/Cygnus\ Solutions/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb 1024
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:47 pm

Post by radius »

i had the same problem u solved it :),
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