miemt11 wrote:Hmm, are the matrix 2 scene of orgsm that have sound problem. still available to download. I wan to test it on PMP 1.02(Jonny) or other people already tested, please post you comment
eh? :Pmiemt11 wrote:I Agree with you jonny, that use only movie trailers / perfectly legit content (no movie snips, adult content or similat stuffs).
You kinda answered your own question... I've removed the orgasm cake scene from Matrix 2 and all others will be removed later on too (so get'em while you can).
My pleasure mate :) Happy to see that I was missed ;D
I'm not a huge fan of 3vix, but I'm agreed that 3vix can produce better quality videos at lower bitrates (under 700kbps) then DiVX (and it's faster), but as I'm using nearly twice as big bitrate (+1200-1300kbps), DiVX produces much better quality compared to what 3vix can do at same bitrates. Just IMHO =)
Thanks dude! And glad to hear that my other encoding that had problems before plays fine now. I will try the new version in the nearest days (not much time right now and I will be away for the whole day tomorrow in Copenhagen) and if I find it usable with XViD, I'll update my guide to use with XViD (already got the best settings I could find (IMHO)).k0nan wrote:Great work on the guide! I'll have to look at it more in-depth tomorrow. I see you've chosen 1300 as your king, I thought after your Matrix2 scene16 encode that Q3 would be your pic, but I trust your experience. Do you force 480x272 as your output ratio regardless of your source ratio? If not, how do you go about calculating your output ratio? I use PSPMPVerter solely to calculate PMP aspect ratio b/c I haven't found a similar feature in Winmenc yet. (edit - nevermind, I see that you use AMV Resize)
btw the scene20 encode you made me now plays flawlessly on jonny's 1.02 update. :)