Hi !
I'm quite new to opengl and I'm trying to use display lists but I have an error when I compile :
model.cpp:(.text+0x3334): undefined reference to `glGenLists'
model.cpp:(.text+0x3344): undefined reference to `glNewList'
model.cpp:(.text+0x4a38): undefined reference to `glEndList'
I don't get it. It looks like there is a problem with the opengl lib but everything else works fine.
Here is the line I use in my makefile :
LIBS= -lpng -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lz -lm -lpsprtc -lstdc++
Is there something special about display lists and the PSP ?
I'm using DevKitPro 1.2.7.
Thanks in advance for those who will answer because I'm in the shit ! :)
Lib Problem with DrawList (Help i'm a noob !)
Or you can use vertex arrays with pspgl, or better yet VBOs. The varray.c and spot.c in the test folder (in the pspgl folder) should get you started with vertex arrays and VBOs. They should be pretty much the same as they are on PCs, the only difference is that some vertex formats are native in psp, and hence much faster.
Here is more info about pspgl (you propably know that anyway):
Here is more info about pspgl (you propably know that anyway):