PiMPStreamer Video Streamer released

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PiMPStreamer Video Streamer released

Post by DickyDick »


I was tired of creating and demuxing my movies for the psp,sooo...

I pimped up PMP Mod and made a realtime streaming/scaling/demuxing Windows server...

USAGE PiMPStreamer 0.12:

PSP -----------------------------------------------------------

Only tested for version 1.50 psp's

Edit pmp.ini in dir PMPSTREAM, change the IP to your windows machine. For the stream
AND net section.

Install PiMPSTREAM and PiMPSTREAM% in PSP/GAMES on your PSP. Triagle to
quit, cross to start movie. Press start to refresh the list.

Pressing square will pause (and fill up some buffers)
Pressing cross will play again

WINDOWS -----------------------------------------------------------

Only tested on Window 2000 prof.

Startup the windows PiMPStreamer.exe, it will startup a server on port 3333

Just change the values and refresh the psp.

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Post by gmk »

Hi DickyDick,

is it posible that you realese the sourcecode? (For both Server and Client)
I want see how you did this super work.

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Post by jockyw2001 »

Very nice DickyDick. Do you think it is possible with AviSynth to stream tv from a tv card as well?

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Post by Wil »

Wow. This has a lot of promise. Of course, it's still a bit studdery so it does need work -- but I can't wait for future releases.

Good luck man.
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Post by yogaxl »

OMG that's so cool ! But i tried it and the server just closed after i press X to play the movie, i tried many times and the server always closed...

Im using Window XP, i know you tested it only on Windows 2000, so it would be nice if you can find a fix for those who use XP.

i'll wait for your work !
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Post by jonny »

gmk wrote: is it posible that you realese the sourcecode?
he should, to not fall in gpl violation
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Post by Djakku »

I've got the same problem as yogaxl, and i'm too on XP,
as for the source code i'm waiting for it too ;O
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Post by jockyw2001 »

Tried a few files in Win2K and XP, in both cases the server quits at playback start :(


EDIT: with latest version 0.13 under XP after selecting any clip I get an error: "Could not open ''^[]C " and PSP hangs
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Post by yogaxl »

hello, i can't download the new version 0.13, the link does not work
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Post by yogaxl »

the link works again now lol

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Post by yogaxl »

Same error as jockyw2001 with v.013

Could not open ''^[]C " and PSP hangs
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Post by Hulkit »

if people are having connection problems make sure to have the wifi you are connected to named "Connection 1" default (if you have a custom name the program dosnt find your internet)

trying to run a file.... no luck.... error "could not open '^[]c'"

ahh well my 2 cents

forgot im running windows xp pro so prolly it dosnt work for xp... sucks....
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Post by jockyw2001 »

Didn't try the 0.25a yet, but the 0.25 somewhat played a few clips.

DickyDick: very nice development, you're converging. I guess you plan to release sourcecode when you have a stable version? Do you already use jonny's PMPMod 2.0 ?

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Post by harleyg »

yet another moron who doesnt understand the GPL license.

you MUST release the source code AT THE TIME of the binary. no ifs. no buts.

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Post by jonny »

the source is already up in his site
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Post by Hulkit »

ok welp i tried it now and actually got it working.... its a bit choppy but i think its my router more than the mod

but one thing is that it crashes the psp at the end of the clip (basically shuts off when clips done)

i can see this mod going in a direction that is very exciting as media is always big and this can help lighten the memstick quite a bit

overall i give this mod some time to develop and it will be great

nice job and i hope this goes well with the main pmp homebrew in a whole

will be updating my router with official linksys update (currently using DDWRTPSP v4d for psp online play (dont play as much nowadays but it was fun))

alright welp when i do a firmware change and try this out again to see if it is the router ill let you guys know
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Post by jockyw2001 »

DickyDick: please also post PimpStreamer source (it also uses ffmpeg)

@harleyg: were you insulting me?

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Post by groepaz »

you MUST release the source code AT THE TIME of the binary. no ifs. no buts.
actually its enough if you make the source available to those that have the binary. you dont even need to put it online.
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Post by moonlight »

harleyg wrote: you MUST release the source code AT THE TIME of the binary. no ifs. no buts.
Come on, relax. The important is that he has put it, right?
I really don't mind if someone is a bit late on putting the modified source of a GPL program.
Yes, i know that the license says that you must provide the modified source with the binary, but we are humans, not "license-robots", it really doesn't matter if someone delays a few days because he forgot it or because he wants to clean the code a bit.
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Post by Hulkit »

alright welp i upgraded firmware thinking that was the reason it was choppy but alas a bit less choppy but still pauses...

the psp has 87% wifi str and im streaming the war3 file thats posted on the site

ahh well its still nice to even work imo hope im doing something wrong heh

oh ya im using a linksys wrt54gs v2 router
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