Can't figure out what's wrong with tried & tested mp3 co

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Can't figure out what's wrong with tried & tested mp3 co

Post by jason867 »

I've searched these forums for the answer, to no avail...

I'm using the mp3 samples from

It worked fine when I followed the tutorial, or modified it slightly.

But now I'm implementing it into a project, and I run into problems.

I'm doing the all of the mp3 stuff in a funciton in a header file, instead of in the main() funciton.

It compiles fine, not even a warning...but when the program is executed, more specifically when MP3_Load("insert/file/here.mp3"); finishes, it returns an error...and I can't understand why. It makes no sense that moving the mp3 functions into a header would screw them up...especially when it compiles fine.

Here is the sourcecode; names are deleted to keep this project a secret.


Code: Select all

/* game PSP Version 0.1
 * by Jason J. Owens
 * February 8th, 2006 1:45 PM

// #includes
#include <pspkernel.h>
#include <pspdebug.h>
#include <psptypes.h>
#include <pspdisplay.h>
#include <pspaudio.h>
#include <pspaudiolib.h>

#include "framebuffer.h"
#include "graphics.h"
//#include "Screenshot.h"
#include "mp3player.h"
#include "intro.h"
#include "game.h"

PSP_MODULE_INFO&#40;"game PSP Vers 0.1", 0, 0, 1&#41;; // Defines module info, psp mode, and program version.
PSP_MAIN_THREAD_ATTR&#40;0&#41;; // Defines the main thread's attribute value &#40;optional&#41;.

#define printf	pspDebugScreenPrintf // Defines printf, just to make typing easier.

int ExitGame = 0; // Gets set to '1' when getting ready to exit the game.

// Exit callback
int exit_callback&#40;int arg1, int arg2, void *common&#41;
	ExitGame = 1;
	return 0;

// Callback thread
int CallbackThread&#40;SceSize args, void *argp&#41;
	int cbid;

	cbid = sceKernelCreateCallback&#40;"Exit Callback", exit_callback, NULL&#41;;


	return 0;

// Sets up the callback thread and returns its thread id.
int SetupCallbacks&#40;void&#41;
	int thid = 0;

	thid = sceKernelCreateThread&#40;"update_thread",
                                 CallbackThread, 0x11, 0xFA0, THREAD_ATTR_USER, 0&#41;;
	if&#40;thid >= 0&#41;
		sceKernelStartThread&#40;thid, 0, 0&#41;;

	return thid;

// Here's the Main Function.
int main&#40;void&#41;
	pspDebugScreenInit&#40;&#41;; // Initializes the Debug text output screen.
	SetupCallbacks&#40;&#41;; // Sets up the callback thread and returns its thread id.
	if&#40;!Title_Screen&#40;&#41;&#41;&#123;printf&#40;"Error in Title_Screen&#40;&#41; function!\n"&#41;;&#125;


	sceKernelExitGame&#40;&#41;; // Returns PSP to the Main Menu.

	return 0; // Just for good practice.


Code: Select all

// game.h
// By Jason J. Owens
// February 8, 2006 @ 2&#58;26 PM

#ifndef __game__
#define __game__

// #defines
#define printf pspDebugScreenPrintf

// Global variables

// Prototypes
int Title_Screen&#40;void&#41;;

// Function definitions
int Title_Screen&#40;&#41;

  // Initialize & load music
  printf&#40;"Initializing PSP Audio...\n"&#41;;
  printf&#40;"Initializing MP3 playback system...\n"&#41;;
  printf&#40;"Loading Title_Screen.mp3 music...\n"&#41;;
    printf&#40;"Title_Screen.mp3 failed to load!\n"&#41;;
    return 1;

  // Initialize & load graphics

  Image* Title_Screen=loadImage&#40;"game_Resources/GFX/Title_Screen.png"&#41;;
    printf&#40;"Title_Screen.png failed to load!\n"&#41;;
    return 1;
  // Start playback of music and display Title Screen

  return 0;

I've made slight modifications to the mp3player.c source, mainly to prevent it from printf-ing un-needed information (such as 128kbits/s & recoverable frame error & 3242342 frames decoded)
But you might want to see it anyway


Code: Select all

// mp3player.c&#58; MP3 Player Implementation in C for Sony PSP

#include <pspkernel.h>
#include <pspdebug.h>
#include <pspiofilemgr.h>
#include <pspdisplay.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pspaudiolib.h>
#include "mp3player.h"

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
#define min&#40;a,b&#41; &#40;&#40;&#40;a&#41;<&#40;b&#41;&#41;?&#40;a&#41;&#58;&#40;b&#41;&#41;
#define max&#40;a,b&#41; &#40;&#40;&#40;a&#41;>&#40;b&#41;&#41;?&#40;a&#41;&#58;&#40;b&#41;&#41;
#define MadErrorString&#40;x&#41; mad_stream_errorstr&#40;x&#41;
#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE	&#40;5*8192&#41;
#define OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE	2048	/* Must be an integer multiple of 4. */

/* This table represents the subband-domain filter characteristics. It
* is initialized by the ParseArgs&#40;&#41; function and is used as
* coefficients against each subband samples when DoFilter is non-nul.
mad_fixed_t Filter&#91;32&#93;;

/* DoFilter is non-nul when the Filter table defines a filter bank to
* be applied to the decoded audio subbands.
int DoFilter = 0;
/* Define printf, just to make typing easier */
#define printf	pspDebugScreenPrintf

u8 *ptr;
long size;
long samplesInOutput = 0;

// Global local variables

//libmad lowlevel stuff

// The following variables contain the music data, ie they don't change value until you load a new file
struct mad_stream Stream;
struct mad_frame Frame;
struct mad_synth Synth;
mad_timer_t Timer;
signed short OutputBuffer&#91;OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE&#93;;
unsigned char InputBuffer&#91;INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD&#93;,
    *OutputPtr = &#40;unsigned char *&#41; OutputBuffer, *GuardPtr = NULL;
const unsigned char *OutputBufferEnd = &#40;unsigned char *&#41; OutputBuffer + OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * 2;
int Status = 0, i;
unsigned long FrameCount = 0;

// The following variables are maintained and updated by the tracker during playback
static int isPlaying;		// Set to true when a mod is being played

// These are the public functions
static int myChannel;
static int eos;

/* Define printf, just to make typing easier */
#define printf	pspDebugScreenPrintf

/*void MP3setStubs&#40;codecStubs * stubs&#41;
    stubs->init = MP3_Init;
    stubs->load = MP3_Load;
    stubs->play = MP3_Play;
    stubs->pause = MP3_Pause;
    stubs->stop = MP3_Stop;
    stubs->end = MP3_End;
    stubs->time = MP3_GetTimeString;
    stubs->tick = NULL;
    stubs->eos = MP3_EndOfStream;
    memcpy&#40;stubs->extension, "mp3\0" "\0\0\0\0", 2 * 4&#41;;

static int PrintFrameInfo&#40;struct mad_header *Header&#41;
    const char *Layer, *Mode, *Emphasis;

    /* Convert the layer number to it's printed representation. */
    switch &#40;Header->layer&#41; &#123;
    case MAD_LAYER_I&#58;
	Layer = "I";
    case MAD_LAYER_II&#58;
	Layer = "II";
    case MAD_LAYER_III&#58;
	Layer = "III";
	Layer = "&#40;unexpected layer value&#41;";

    /* Convert the audio mode to it's printed representation. */
    switch &#40;Header->mode&#41; &#123;
	Mode = "single channel";
	Mode = "dual channel";
	Mode = "joint &#40;MS/intensity&#41; stereo";
    case MAD_MODE_STEREO&#58;
	Mode = "normal LR stereo";
	Mode = "&#40;unexpected mode value&#41;";

    /* Convert the emphasis to it's printed representation. Note that
     * the MAD_EMPHASIS_RESERVED enumeration value appeared in libmad
     * version 0.15.0b.
    switch &#40;Header->emphasis&#41; &#123;
    case MAD_EMPHASIS_NONE&#58;
	Emphasis = "no";
    case MAD_EMPHASIS_50_15_US&#58;
	Emphasis = "50/15 us";
    case MAD_EMPHASIS_CCITT_J_17&#58;
	Emphasis = "CCITT J.17";
#if &#40;MAD_VERSION_MAJOR>=1&#41; || \
  &#40;&#40;MAD_VERSION_MAJOR==0&#41; && &#40;MAD_VERSION_MINOR>=15&#41;&#41;
	Emphasis = "reserved&#40;!&#41;";
	Emphasis = "&#40;unexpected emphasis value&#41;";
    //pspDebugScreenSetXY&#40;0, 29&#41;;
    //printf&#40;"%lu kb/s audio MPEG layer %s stream at %dHz\n", Header->bitrate / 1000, Layer, Header->samplerate&#41;;
    return &#40;0&#41;;

* Applies a frequency-domain filter to audio data in the subband-domain.	*
static void ApplyFilter&#40;struct mad_frame *Frame&#41;
    int Channel, Sample, Samples, SubBand;

    /* There is two application loops, each optimized for the number
     * of audio channels to process. The first alternative is for
     * two-channel frames, the second is for mono-audio.
    Samples = MAD_NSBSAMPLES&#40;&Frame->header&#41;;
    if &#40;Frame->header.mode != MAD_MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL&#41;
	for &#40;Channel = 0; Channel < 2; Channel++&#41;
	    for &#40;Sample = 0; Sample < Samples; Sample++&#41;
		for &#40;SubBand = 0; SubBand < 32; SubBand++&#41;
		    Frame->sbsample&#91;Channel&#93;&#91;Sample&#93;&#91;SubBand&#93; =
			mad_f_mul&#40;Frame->sbsample&#91;Channel&#93;&#91;Sample&#93;&#91;SubBand&#93;, Filter&#91;SubBand&#93;&#41;;
	for &#40;Sample = 0; Sample < Samples; Sample++&#41;
	    for &#40;SubBand = 0; SubBand < 32; SubBand++&#41;
		Frame->sbsample&#91;0&#93;&#91;Sample&#93;&#91;SubBand&#93; = mad_f_mul&#40;Frame->sbsample&#91;0&#93;&#91;Sample&#93;&#91;SubBand&#93;, Filter&#91;SubBand&#93;&#41;;

* Converts a sample from libmad's fixed point number format to a signed	*
* short &#40;16 bits&#41;.															*
static signed short MadFixedToSshort&#40;mad_fixed_t Fixed&#41;
    /* A fixed point number is formed of the following bit pattern&#58;
     * MSB                          LSB
     * S ==> Sign &#40;0 is positive, 1 is negative&#41;
     * W ==> Whole part bits
     * F ==> Fractional part bits
     * This pattern contains MAD_F_FRACBITS fractional bits, one
     * should alway use this macro when working on the bits of a fixed
     * point number. It is not guaranteed to be constant over the
     * different platforms supported by libmad.
     * The signed short value is formed, after clipping, by the least
     * significant whole part bit, followed by the 15 most significant
     * fractional part bits. Warning&#58; this is a quick and dirty way to
     * compute the 16-bit number, madplay includes much better
     * algorithms.

    /* Clipping */
    if &#40;Fixed >= MAD_F_ONE&#41;
	return &#40;SHRT_MAX&#41;;
    if &#40;Fixed <= -MAD_F_ONE&#41;
	return &#40;-SHRT_MAX&#41;;

    /* Conversion. */
    Fixed = Fixed >> &#40;MAD_F_FRACBITS - 15&#41;;
    return &#40;&#40;signed short&#41; Fixed&#41;;

static void MP3Callback&#40;void *_buf2, unsigned int numSamples, void *pdata&#41;
  short *_buf = &#40;short *&#41;_buf2;
    unsigned long samplesOut = 0;
    //      u8 justStarted = 1;

    if &#40;isPlaying == TRUE&#41; &#123;	//  Playing , so mix up a buffer
	if &#40;samplesInOutput > 0&#41; &#123;
	    //printf&#40;"%d samples in buffer\n", samplesInOutput&#41;;
	    if &#40;samplesInOutput > numSamples&#41; &#123;
		memcpy&#40;&#40;char *&#41; _buf, &#40;char *&#41; OutputBuffer, numSamples * 2 * 2&#41;;
		samplesOut = numSamples;
		samplesInOutput -= numSamples;
	    &#125; else &#123;
		memcpy&#40;&#40;char *&#41; _buf, &#40;char *&#41; OutputBuffer, samplesInOutput * 2 * 2&#41;;
		samplesOut = samplesInOutput;
		samplesInOutput = 0;
	while &#40;samplesOut < numSamples&#41; &#123;
	    if &#40;Stream.buffer == NULL || Stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN&#41; &#123;
		//size_t ReadSize, Remaining;
		//unsigned char *ReadStart;

		/* &#123;2&#125; libmad may not consume all bytes of the input
		 * buffer. If the last frame in the buffer is not wholly
		 * contained by it, then that frame's start is pointed by
		 * the next_frame member of the Stream structure. This
		 * common situation occurs when mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; fails,
		 * sets the stream error code to MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN, and
		 * sets the next_frame pointer to a non NULL value. &#40;See
		 * also the comment marked &#123;4&#125; bellow.&#41;
		 * When this occurs, the remaining unused bytes must be
		 * put back at the beginning of the buffer and taken in
		 * account before refilling the buffer. This means that
		 * the input buffer must be large enough to hold a whole
		 * frame at the highest observable bit-rate &#40;currently 448
		 * kb/s&#41;. XXX=XXX Is 2016 bytes the size of the largest
		 * frame? &#40;448000*&#40;1152/32000&#41;&#41;/8
		/* Fill-in the buffer. If an error occurs print a message
		 * and leave the decoding loop. If the end of stream is
		 * reached we also leave the loop but the return status is
		 * left untouched.
		//printf&#40;"readsize&#58; %d\n", ReadSize&#41;;
		   //printf&#40;"read error on bit-stream &#40;%s - %d&#41;\n", error_to_string&#40;errno&#41;, errno&#41;;
		   //   Status=1;

		   if&#40;BstdFile->eof&#41; &#123;
		   printf&#40;"end of input stream\n"&#41;;
		   printf&#40;"Readsize was <=0 in player callback\n"&#41;;
		   &#125; */

		/* &#123;3&#125; When decoding the last frame of a file, it must be
		 * followed by MAD_BUFFER_GUARD zero bytes if one wants to
		 * decode that last frame. When the end of file is
		 * detected we append that quantity of bytes at the end of
		 * the available data. Note that the buffer can't overflow
		 * as the guard size was allocated but not used the the
		 * buffer management code. &#40;See also the comment marked
		 * &#123;1&#125;.&#41;
		 * In a message to the mad-dev mailing list on May 29th,
		 * 2001, Rob Leslie explains the guard zone as follows&#58;
		 *    "The reason for MAD_BUFFER_GUARD has to do with the
		 *    way decoding is performed. In Layer III, Huffman
		 *    decoding may inadvertently read a few bytes beyond
		 *    the end of the buffer in the case of certain invalid
		 *    input. This is not detected until after the fact. To
		 *    prevent this from causing problems, and also to
		 *    ensure the next frame's main_data_begin pointer is
		 *    always accessible, MAD requires MAD_BUFFER_GUARD
		 *    &#40;currently 8&#41; bytes to be present in the buffer past
		 *    the end of the current frame in order to decode the
		 *    frame."
		   &#125; */

		/* Pipe the new buffer content to libmad's stream decoder
		 * facility.
		mad_stream_buffer&#40;&Stream, ptr, size&#41;;
		Stream.error = 0;

	    /* Decode the next MPEG frame. The streams is read from the
	     * buffer, its constituents are break down and stored the the
	     * Frame structure, ready for examination/alteration or PCM
	     * synthesis. Decoding options are carried in the Frame
	     * structure from the Stream structure.
	     * Error handling&#58; mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; returns a non zero value
	     * when an error occurs. The error condition can be checked in
	     * the error member of the Stream structure. A mad error is
	     * recoverable or fatal, the error status is checked with the
	     * MAD_RECOVERABLE macro.
	     * &#123;4&#125; When a fatal error is encountered all decoding
	     * activities shall be stopped, except when a MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN
	     * is signaled. This condition means that the
	     * mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; function needs more input to complete
	     * its work. One shall refill the buffer and repeat the
	     * mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; call. Some bytes may be left unused at
	     * the end of the buffer if those bytes forms an incomplete
	     * frame. Before refilling, the remaining bytes must be moved
	     * to the beginning of the buffer and used for input for the
	     * next mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; invocation. &#40;See the comments
	     * marked &#123;2&#125; earlier for more details.&#41;
	     * Recoverable errors are caused by malformed bit-streams, in
	     * this case one can call again mad_frame_decode&#40;&#41; in order to
	     * skip the faulty part and re-sync to the next frame.
	    if &#40;mad_frame_decode&#40;&Frame, &Stream&#41;&#41; &#123;
		if &#40;MAD_RECOVERABLE&#40;Stream.error&#41;&#41; &#123;
		    /* Do not print a message if the error is a loss of
		     * synchronization and this loss is due to the end of
		     * stream guard bytes. &#40;See the comments marked &#123;3&#125;
		     * supra for more informations about guard bytes.&#41;
		    if &#40;Stream.error != MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC || Stream.this_frame != GuardPtr&#41; &#123;
			//printf&#40;"recoverable frame level error &#40;%s&#41;\n", MadErrorString&#40;&Stream&#41;&#41;;
		    return;	//continue;
		&#125; else if &#40;Stream.error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN&#41; &#123;
		    eos = 1;
		    return;	//continue;
		&#125; else &#123;
		    printf&#40;"unrecoverable MP3 frame level error &#40;%s&#41;.\n", MadErrorString&#40;&Stream&#41;&#41;;
		    Status = 1;
		    MP3_Stop&#40;&#41;;	//break;

	    /* The characteristics of the stream's first frame is printed
	     * on stderr. The first frame is representative of the entire
	     * stream.
	    if &#40;FrameCount == 0&#41;
		if &#40;PrintFrameInfo&#40;&Frame.header&#41;&#41; &#123;
		    Status = 1;

	    /* Accounting. The computed frame duration is in the frame
	     * header structure. It is expressed as a fixed point number
	     * whole data type is mad_timer_t. It is different from the
	     * samples fixed point format and unlike it, it can't directly
	     * be added or subtracted. The timer module provides several
	     * functions to operate on such numbers. Be careful there, as
	     * some functions of libmad's timer module receive some of
	     * their mad_timer_t arguments by value!
	    mad_timer_add&#40;&Timer, Frame.header.duration&#41;;

	    /* Between the frame decoding and samples synthesis we can
	     * perform some operations on the audio data. We do this only
	     * if some processing was required. Detailed explanations are
	     * given in the ApplyFilter&#40;&#41; function.
	    if &#40;DoFilter&#41;

	    /* Once decoded the frame is synthesized to PCM samples. No errors
	     * are reported by mad_synth_frame&#40;&#41;;
	    mad_synth_frame&#40;&Synth, &Frame&#41;;

	    /* Synthesized samples must be converted from libmad's fixed
	     * point number to the consumer format. Here we use unsigned
	     * 16 bit big endian integers on two channels. Integer samples
	     * are temporarily stored in a buffer that is flushed when
	     * full.

	    for &#40;i = 0; i < Synth.pcm.length; i++&#41; &#123;
		signed short Sample;
		//printf&#40;"%d < %d\n", samplesOut, numSamples&#41;;
		if &#40;samplesOut < numSamples&#41; &#123;
		    //printf&#40;"I really get here\n"&#41;;
		    /* Left channel */
		    Sample = MadFixedToSshort&#40;Synth.pcm.samples&#91;0&#93;&#91;i&#93;&#41;;
		    // *&#40;OutputPtr++&#41;=Sample>>8;
		    // *&#40;OutputPtr++&#41;=Sample&0xff;
		    _buf&#91;samplesOut * 2&#93; = Sample;

		    /* Right channel. If the decoded stream is monophonic then
		     * the right output channel is the same as the left one.
		    if &#40;MAD_NCHANNELS&#40;&Frame.header&#41; == 2&#41;
			Sample = MadFixedToSshort&#40;Synth.pcm.samples&#91;1&#93;&#91;i&#93;&#41;;
		    // *&#40;OutputPtr++&#41;=Sample>>8;
		    // *&#40;OutputPtr++&#41;=Sample&0xff;
		    _buf&#91;samplesOut * 2 + 1&#93; = Sample;
		&#125; else &#123;
		    //printf&#40;"%d < %d of %d\n", samplesOut, numSamples, Synth.pcm.length&#41;;
		    Sample = MadFixedToSshort&#40;Synth.pcm.samples&#91;0&#93;&#91;i&#93;&#41;;
		    OutputBuffer&#91;samplesInOutput * 2&#93; = Sample;
		    if &#40;MAD_NCHANNELS&#40;&Frame.header&#41; == 2&#41;
			Sample = MadFixedToSshort&#40;Synth.pcm.samples&#91;1&#93;&#91;i&#93;&#41;;
		    OutputBuffer&#91;samplesInOutput * 2 + 1&#93; = Sample;

    &#125; else &#123;			//  Not Playing , so clear buffer
	    int count;
	    for &#40;count = 0; count < numSamples * 2; count++&#41;
		*&#40;_buf + count&#41; = 0;

void MP3_Init&#40;int channel&#41;
    myChannel = channel;
    isPlaying = FALSE;
    pspAudioSetChannelCallback&#40;myChannel, MP3Callback,0&#41;;
    /* First the structures used by libmad must be initialized. */

void MP3_FreeTune&#40;&#41;
    /* The input file was completely read; the memory allocated by our
     * reading module must be reclaimed.
    if &#40;ptr&#41;

    /* Mad is no longer used, the structures that were initialized must
     * now be cleared.

    /* If the output buffer is not empty and no error occurred during
     * the last write, then flush it.
    /*if&#40;OutputPtr!=OutputBuffer && Status!=2&#41;
       size_t       BufferSize=OutputPtr-OutputBuffer;

       fprintf&#40;stderr,"%s&#58; PCM write error &#40;%s&#41;.\n",
       &#125; */

    /* Accounting report if no error occurred. */
    if &#40;!Status&#41; &#123;
	char Buffer&#91;80&#93;;

	/* The duration timer is converted to a human readable string
	 * with the versatile, but still constrained mad_timer_string&#40;&#41;
	 * function, in a fashion not unlike strftime&#40;&#41;. The main
	 * difference is that the timer is broken into several
	 * values according some of it's arguments. The units and
	 * fracunits arguments specify the intended conversion to be
	 * executed.
	 * The conversion unit &#40;MAD_UNIT_MINUTES in our example&#41; also
	 * specify the order and kind of conversion specifications
	 * that can be used in the format string.
	 * It is best to examine libmad's timer.c source-code for details
	 * of the available units, fraction of units, their meanings,
	 * the format arguments, etc.
	mad_timer_string&#40;Timer, Buffer, "%lu&#58;%02lu.%03u", MAD_UNITS_MINUTES, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS, 0&#41;;
	//printf&#40;"%lu frames decoded &#40;%s&#41;.\n", FrameCount, Buffer&#41;;

void MP3_End&#40;&#41;
    pspAudioSetChannelCallback&#40;myChannel, 0,0&#41;;

// Functions - Local and not public

//  This is the initialiser and module loader
//  This is a general call, which loads the module from the 
//  given address into the modplayer
//  It basically loads into an internal format, so once this function
//  has returned the buffer at 'data' will not be needed again.
int MP3_Load&#40;char *filename&#41;
    int fd;
    eos = 0;
    //psp_stats pstat;
    //sceIoGetstat&#40;filename, &pstat&#41;;
    if &#40;&#40;fd = sceIoOpen&#40;filename, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777&#41;&#41; > 0&#41; &#123;
	//  opened file, so get size now
	size = sceIoLseek&#40;fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_END&#41;;
	sceIoLseek&#40;fd, 0, PSP_SEEK_SET&#41;;
	ptr = &#40;unsigned char *&#41; malloc&#40;size + 8&#41;;
	memset&#40;ptr, 0, size + 8&#41;;
	if &#40;ptr != 0&#41; &#123;		// Read file in
	    sceIoRead&#40;fd, ptr, size&#41;;
	&#125; else &#123;
	    printf&#40;"Error allocing\n"&#41;;
            return 1;
	// Close file
    &#125; else &#123;
	return 1;
    return 0;

// This function initialises for playing, and starts
int MP3_Play&#40;&#41;
    // See if I'm already playing
    if &#40;isPlaying&#41;
	return FALSE;

    isPlaying = TRUE;
    return TRUE;

void MP3_Pause&#40;&#41;
    isPlaying = !isPlaying;

int MP3_Stop&#40;&#41;
    //stop playing
    isPlaying = FALSE;

    //clear buffer
    memset&#40;OutputBuffer, 0, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE&#41;;
    OutputPtr = &#40;unsigned char *&#41; OutputBuffer;

    //seek to beginning of file
    //sceIoLseek&#40;BstdFile->fd, 0, SEEK_SET&#41;;

    return TRUE;

void MP3_GetTimeString&#40;char *dest&#41;
    mad_timer_string&#40;Timer, dest, "%02lu&#58;%02u&#58;%02u", MAD_UNITS_HOURS, MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS, 0&#41;;

int MP3_EndOfStream&#40;&#41;
    if &#40;eos == 1&#41;
      return 1;
    return 0;
and here is my makefile...


Code: Select all


OBJS = graphics.o framebuffer.o mp3player.o main.o

CFLAGS = -O2 -G0 -Wall
CXXFLAGS = $&#40;CFLAGS&#41; -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
ASFLAGS = $&#40;CFLAGS&#41;

LIBS = -lpspgu -lpng -lz -lm -lmad -lpspaudiolib -lpspaudio -lpsppower


PSPSDK=$&#40;shell psp-config --pspsdk-path&#41;
include $&#40;PSPSDK&#41;/lib/build.mak
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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Post by jason867 »

I guess no one has any clue about what's going wrong?
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Post by dot_blank »

simply put ...
you cannot "run" functions inside a header
a header is externel code that defines your
functions ...the code to actually execute in your
psp app is carried out in your main() function

so from that you should cut and paste your
MP3_Load("insert/file/here.mp3"); line
and any other mp3Open, mp3Play, mp3Close lines
that youd like to use during runtime
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Post by jason867 »

I'm not sure if I'm missing something or what...

If I can't run the mp3 functions inside the title_screen function, then shouldn't the blitalphaimagetoscreen function screw up too? Because it works fine.

Both the mp3 functions, and the graphics functions are contained within c files, with h files holding their prototypes and such.

So shouldn't they both not work? Having one work and the other not does not make sense with what dot_blank said. If what he said were true, both functions should not work.

So what am I missing?

p.s. I'm not saying you're wrong dot_blank, just that what you said doesn't agree with what I percieve to be happening...if I am missing something, please point it out, thanks...
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, besides, I'm playing my PSP, tee hee!
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