How do I use vertex buffer objects or arrays in PSPGL?

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How do I use vertex buffer objects or arrays in PSPGL?

Post by NeoXeno »

I finally got my first homebrew demo up and running but it needs some improvement. In it, I created over a thousand characters walking around the screen with simple AI and collision algorithms. Anyway, the demo is running a bit slow and I narrowed the problem down to the rendering code. You see, I am currently using immediate mode for the geometry and would like to switch over to using vertex buffer objects or vertex arrays which I've read can improve performance in this area. Can any of you please provide a simple example of how to use any of the two methods in PSPGL? I've tried out tutorials for regular opengl but I just can't get it to work on the psp. And in case you're wondering, yes I could just decrease the number of things to render, but my future projects (real games) may even be more demanding than this simple demo so I really want to see how far I can push the handheld at this stage.

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Post by urchin »

The PSPGL distribution already contains such demos - have a look in the demo directory.
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