I have been playing with vtimers for a while, but I couldn´t been able to make them work, does anybody have some working code?.
What I do is easy:
I create a timer with sceKernelCreateVTimer then I register a timer for the handler with sceKernelSetVTimerHandler, this returns 1000000 because I want to retrigger the timer each second, and then I call sceKernelStartVTimer passid the UID I got from the Create function, is this ok?.
Thanks in advance,
VTimers working code?
That sounds like it should work. I posted recently on how to use them:
Are you checking the return code from sceKernelSetVTimerHandler? There seems to be a small issue registering timers from kernel mode, but if you are registering them in user mode no work around is needed.
Are you checking the return code from sceKernelSetVTimerHandler? There seems to be a small issue registering timers from kernel mode, but if you are registering them in user mode no work around is needed.