That's nice, thank you.Reng wrote:First of all, thanks for the great app. I've been hoping to see a vlc client for psp for some time, and yours works perfectly. I've tested it with streaming TV, videos, mp3s, and dvds.
Thanks for pointing this out. Yes, such a feature is absolutely necessary, cuz' I'm getting fed up to jump out of my bed in order to zap the channel. I was thinking of a directory with "channel files" which are in fact script files containing commands to switch to a channel and also sets the appropriate transcode params on the fly. Something along these lines:I was wondering if theres any way you could set up some sort of command line interface for the client? Even something that could read commands from a config file would be great. A feature like this would make the client alot more customizable. Currently, I'm using the vlc playlist interface through http to change my TV channels, but its a little tedious to have to quit the client, load up the links2 browser and change it in there. If the client could read from a config file containing a list of commands and display it as a simple menu list, it would be awesome.
Directory Channellist contains a file 'CNN.chl' which looks like:
Code: Select all
#dvb-s channel file for PSP
#channel CNN on Astra 19.2
[zap commands]
The same scheme can apply to (video) podcasts, music, dvds, etc.
I think it is rather simple to implement this and I do not have to code another gui which I don't like. The gui can be improved at a later stage.