[resolved] reboot psp in 2.71?

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Posts: 49
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[resolved] reboot psp in 2.71?

Post by TheBuzzer »

woot it works.

the stub method works!

it was using that
scePower_driver_0442D852 still to reboot.

thx for the help.
Last edited by TheBuzzer on Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jas0nuk »

static u32 FindProc(const char* szMod, const char* szLib, u32 nid)
SceModule* modP = sceKernelFindModuleByName(szMod);
if (modP == NULL)
printf("Failed to find mod '%s'\n", szMod);
return 0;
SceLibraryEntryTable* entP = (SceLibraryEntryTable*)modP->ent_top;
while ((u32)entP < ((u32)modP->ent_top + modP->ent_size))
if (entP->libname != NULL && strcmp(entP->libname, szLib) == 0)
// found lib
int i;
int count = entP->stubcount + entP->vstubcount;
u32* nidtable = (u32*)entP->entrytable;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (nidtable == nid)
u32 procAddr = nidtable[count+i];
// printf("entry found: '%s' '%s' = $%x\n", szMod, szLib, (int)procAddr);
return procAddr;
printf("Found mod '%s' and lib '%s' but not nid=$%x\n", szMod, szLib, nid);
return 0;
printf("Found mod '%s' but not lib '%s'\n", szMod, szLib);
return 0;

static void doreboot(void)
int (* reboot) (int);
reboot = (void *)FindProc("scePower_Service", "scePower_driver", 0x79DB9421);

Then call with doreboot();

There is a better way of doing this, that is by adding the stub file with the function to your code. See this topic.
Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:02 am

Post by TheBuzzer »

i tried that already but it does not reboot

also that had a error i tried

static void doreboot(void)
int (* reboot) (int);
reboot = (void *)FindProc("scePower_Service", "scePower_driver", 0x79DB9421);


static void doreboot(void)
void (* reboot) (void);
reboot = (void *)FindProc("scePower_Service", "scePower_driver", 0x79DB9421);

static void doreboot(int)
int (* reboot) (int);
reboot = (void *)FindProc("scePower_Service", "scePower_driver", 0x79DB9421);

all did nothing :/

my psp crashes when i try to use this
Last edited by TheBuzzer on Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:02 am

Post by TheBuzzer »

btw for the .s file

i dont get where the numbers come from for the
STUB_START "sceUtility_netparam_internal",0x40010000,0x00040005

i understand the other numbers but not the first 2
Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:02 am

Post by TheBuzzer »

woot it works.

the stub method works!

it was using that
scePower_driver_0442D852 still to reboot.

thx for the help.
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