Internet through IrDA?

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Internet through IrDA?

Post by Mitsunari »

Could the PSP IrDA port be used to connect to internet via cellphone? Is this feasible transferrate/software wise? It would be awesome to connect to internet in areas where there is no open wifi networks available.

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Post by hardhat »

Of course it could. I was investigating this a couple of months ago. The IRDA spec for Internet over IR is published, but not free. I think it costs $80US to buy online.

So someone would have to purchase this spec. Build up the protocol stack. And then you could do what you said. The reason that I didn't take it farther than I did, is that there are no samples of switching speeds in the IRDA interface on the PSP, which is required by the IRDA high level protocol stack. So, I shelved it for a while and focused on application development.

The IRDA protocol stack portion that I was most interested in implementing is "beaming" files from my computer to the PSP, or from a PSP to a Palm Pilot for example.
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