Question regarding directory grabbing..

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Question regarding directory grabbing..

Post by zshadow »

Hello guys, what is an easy way of reading a directory in on the mem stick so I can get the list of files to load into my program?

Posts: 310
Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:56 am

Post by weltall »

* Open a directory
* @par Example:
* @code
* int dfd;
* dfd = sceIoDopen("device:/");
* if(dfd >= 0)
* { Do something with the file descriptor }
* @endcode
* @param dirname - The directory to open for reading.
* @return If >= 0 then a valid file descriptor, otherwise a Sony error code.
SceUID sceIoDopen(const char *dirname);

* Reads an entry from an opened file descriptor.
* @param fd - Already opened file descriptor (using sceIoDopen)
* @param dir - Pointer to an io_dirent_t structure to hold the file information
* @return Read status
* - 0 - No more directory entries left
* - > 0 - More directory entired to go
* - < 0 - Error
int sceIoDread(SceUID fd, SceIoDirent *dir);

* Close an opened directory file descriptor
* @param fd - Already opened file descriptor (using sceIoDopen)
* @return < 0 on error
int sceIoDclose(SceUID fd);

/** Describes a single directory entry */
typedef struct SceIoDirent {
/** File status. */
SceIoStat d_stat;
/** File name. */
char d_name[256];
/** Device-specific data. */
void * d_private;
int dummy;
} SceIoDirent;

remember to memset to 0 sceiodirent every time you read a new directory entry.
Posts: 197
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:50 am

Post by AnonymousTipster »

Ok, this is a code snippet from my .zip extractor. It reads PSP/GAME and reads every entry into a string:

struct GameEntry
char *name;
//char ratio[16];

int gameEntriesTotal = 0;
int gameDirSelected = 0;

#define MAX_ENTRIES 1000

struct GameEntry gameEntry[MAX_ENTRIES];

void recacheGameDir(){
struct SceIoDirent dir;
memset(&dir, 0, sizeof(SceIoDirent));
//printf("Getting Directory...");
static int dfd;
dfd = sceIoDopen("ms0:/PSP/GAME/");
if(dfd > 0){
//printf("Found Directory...\n");
int f=0;for(f=0;f<MAX_ENTRIES;f++){if(gameEntry[f].name){free(gameEntry[f].name);}gameEntry[f].name = NULL;}
int count = 0;count = 0;

while(sceIoDread(dfd, &dir) > 0){
static int success;
//success = sceIoDread(dfd, dir);
static char* name;
name = (char*)memalign(16,300);
static int s=0;

//printf("Found: %s\n",name);
gameEntry[count].name = name;

count++;if(count>MAX_ENTRIES-1){count = MAX_ENTRIES-1;}
//printf("COUNT: %i",count);
gameEntriesTotal = count;if(gameEntriesTotal < 0){gameEntriesTotal = 0;}

This should leave you with a list of strings, each containing a folder or file name.
Hope this helps somewhat.

(Yes, this is a duplicate of a post I made some time earlier)
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