UMD to memory stick holder

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UMD to memory stick holder

Post by TimmyJ »

Taken from my post at PSP updates:

At the moment I'm using 3.03 OE-B with the no UMD function activated and after a few tests with my various bits and pieces I've decided that I no longer need my Monster Hunter UMD to be in the tray at all times.

However, with the vast abundancy of available PS1 titles for the PSP I've found myself requiring a lot more space than I did previously. I have a 2GB and a 4GB memory stick but can only really use and carry one at a time which is quite the hassle due to the fact that I have all of my POPS games on the 4GB memory stick, but all of my music on the 2GB memory stick.

Luckily, these two pieces of information could transpire into something that is generally much more useful - a way to carry extra memory sticks whilst not using any external peripherals. Modifying a UMD I should imagine to be relatively easy: whip out the disk and the clear plastic covering it, then replace the two with a couple of simple memory stick holders (just a simple "pop in" type).

My only concern is that something in the PSP could become damaged if the PSP attempts to actually read the disk, so here is my question: does anyone happen to know which part of the UMD causes the PSP to recognise it as being there and in turn attempt to read it?

If I could simply file these parts of the UMD down then I would instantly be very close to making this idea manifest. I'm looking around the Internet now and just looking at the UMD presents limited possibilities, but any information that people may have would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any replies
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Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:03 am

Post by TimmyJ »

Also taken from a post at PSP updates:

I came across a site a whlie ago when I was attempting something that will currently have to be put on hold (low on monies ). This is a company that performs plastic moulding fabrication, they can mass produce items or they can produce one-off prototypes.

If this is the case then surely it would be possible to simply create an item that is:

- narrower than a UMD so that it doesn't press against the sides too much causing it to be read (possibly only somewhat wide at the top for stability)

- empty in the area that the centre of the disc would be, this would prevent any contact with the spinning mechanism

- solid but somewhat hollowed in the area that the disk would normally be read, this would hopefully prevent any unwanted contact with the laser

I'm pretty sure that by following those guidelines then it would be possible to prevent any damage to the PSP system but allow for a couple of memory sticks to be stored there.

The company is:


Is following this likely to work? Any comments are greatly appreciated, thanks
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Post by Cy-4AH »

Nice idea. If I be hardware developer, I'd like to try it. And it doesn't look very hard to realize: PSP use ATA controller to read UMD-disks, so we must "unplug" from it UMD-ROM and plug for example miniSD to ATA adapter, I think such chips already exist. And in the case of UMD-disk we can insert more than 5 miniSD cards. OMG, I want this device.
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