Encoding PSP video using non-standard resolutions

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Post by Syncaio »

I'm not quite sure how this stacks up under 3GP encoding but hopefully some other cross platform user can help you.
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Post by somedude »

I created it like this, in case someone else is interested;

Title=Video: 368x208 (512kbps // Audio: 64kbps // 2 Pass)
TitleE=Video: 368x208 (512kbps // Audio: 64kbps // 2 Pass)
Command0=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 1 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s 368x208 -r 29.97 -b 512 -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 24000 -ab 32 -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command1=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 2 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s 368x208 -r 29.97 -b 512 -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 24000 -ab 32 -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command2=""<%AppPath%>\cores\QT3GPPFlatten" "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" -c QT_3GPP(MobileMP4)_QVGA_AAC.ini"
Command3="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command4=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ATOMChanger" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" "<%OutputPath%>MV4<%RandomNumber5%>.MP4" "Camouflage_MP4_for_PSP.ini""
Command5="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp""
Command6="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>-0.log""
Command7=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -f singlejpeg -ss 5 -vframes 1 -s 70x52 -an "<%OutputPath%>MV4<%RandomNumber5%>.THM""
Command8=""<%AppPath%>\cores\psprez.exe" "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.MP4""
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Post by cocco »

Code: Select all

echo "&#91;Info&#93;
Title=‹@Ží•Ê�Ý’è�FMP4ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹, PSPŒü‚¯�Ý’è&#40;’¼�Ú�o—Í&#41;
TitleE=UltraCustomized&#58; MP4, for PSP &#40;Direct, renamed&#41;&#91;MEPSP&#93;
Description=PSP/CLIE PEG-VZ90‚ÅŽg‚í‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚éMP4Œ`Ž®‚É•ÏŠ·‚µ‚Ü‚·�Bƒ�ƒ‚ƒŠ�&#91;ƒXƒeƒBƒbƒN‚Ì\MP_ROOT\100MNV01\‚É�o‚Ä‚«‚½ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹&#40;.MP4, .THM&#41;‚ð‚»‚Ì‚Ü‚ÜƒRƒs�&#91;‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�B‚Ü‚½‚Í�o—Í�æƒfƒBƒŒƒNƒgƒŠ‚ð‘O�q‚̃tƒHƒ‹ƒ_‚ÉŽw’肵‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢�Bƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹–¼‚Í“K“–‚È‚à‚Ì‚É•Ï�X‚³‚ê�o—Í‚³‚ê‚Ü‚·�B
DescriptionE=for PSP/CLIE PEG-VZ90, MP4 format. Put your converted files to \MP_ROOT\100MNV01\ in the MemoryStick.\n";
$res=array&#40;"320x176","320x240","416x176"&#41;;//Future settings? ,"480x272""80x60","160x120",
$rescont= count&#40;$res&#41;;
$fps=array&#40;"29.97"&#41;; //pal ,"25"   "14.985",
$fpscont= count&#40;$fps&#41;;
$audiocont= count&#40;$audio&#41;;
$videocont= count&#40;$video&#41;;
for &#40;$a=0;$a<$rescont;$a++&#41;&#123;
for &#40;$b=0;$b<$fpscont;$b++&#41;&#123;
for &#40;$d=0;$d<$videocont;$d++&#41;&#123;
for &#40;$c=0;$c<$audiocont;$c++&#41;&#123;
echo "\n";
echo "&#91;Item".$in."&#93;\n";
echo "Title=".$res&#91;$a&#93;."/".$fps&#91;$b&#93;."/".$video&#91;$d&#93;."kbps Stereo/".$audio&#91;$c&#93;."kbps 2pass&#40;1min=".$min1."mb; 5min=".$min5."mb; 15min=".$min15."mb; 1h=".$min60."mb; 1h30min=".$min90."mb&#41;\n";
echo "TitleE=".$res&#91;$a&#93;."/".$fps&#91;$b&#93;."/".$video&#91;$d&#93;."kbps Stereo/".$audio&#91;$c&#93;."kbps 2pass&#40;1min=".$min1."mb; 5min=".$min5."mb; 15min=".$min15."mb; 1h=".$min60."mb; 1h30min=".$min90."mb&#41;\n";
echo 'Command0=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 1 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s '.$res&#91;$a&#93;.' -r '.$fps&#91;$b&#93;.' -b '.$video&#91;$d&#93;.' -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 24000 -ab '.$audio&#91;$c&#93;.' -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command1=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 2 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s '.$res&#91;$a&#93;.' -r '.$fps&#91;$b&#93;.' -b '.$video&#91;$d&#93;.' -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 24000 -ab '.$audio&#91;$c&#93;.' -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command2=""<%AppPath%>\cores\QT3GPPFlatten" "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" -c QT_3GPP&#40;MobileMP4&#41;_QVGA_AAC.ini"
Command3="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command4=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ATOMChanger" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.MP4" "Camouflage_MP4_for_PSP.ini""
Command5="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp""
Command6=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -f singlejpeg -ss 5 -vframes 1 -s 160x120 -an "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.THM""';
echo "\n";

i have some problem with this Transcoding ini generator.

as u can see you can change everything

and it implements a calculator writs in the ini the size of the final video in 1min,5min,15min,1h,1h30min. but id is not the right calculation.
if someone can help me??

and now i have 1 question about the psprez ....
if i encode it to a non standart resolution i get a bright 1pixel line at the bottom of the psp screen.why?

and .....
is the 2pass setting ok in my php transcoding ini generator generator?

ps.when you launch the file you have to click right mouse and show code ... you wil get a very well formed txttranscodingini

thank you
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Mac OS X Version

Post by ZildjianKX »

Okay, I spent a little while this morning making a Mac OS X version based on runtime's provided hexcodes. As long as those are the right hexcodes, it should work fine. I made it look as closely to his as possible without the source code, and I believe it is identical except for warning you if your resolution is too large. Compiled under OS 10.3, so may not work under Jaguar.

You can download it here.

I don't personally have a PSP to test it on yet, but I checked all the hex values and they were fine. Make a backup of your MP4 files first until someone can double check me :)
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Post by Syncaio »

Excellent stuff ZildjianKX!
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Creating an icon for our ffmpegX movies on a Mac

Post by Syncaio »

Creating an icon for our ffmpegX movies on a Mac.

Ok you're on a mac. You've just followed my ffmpegX guide and now you have a gloriously encoded little movie all ready for action on your beloved PSP. Now once you copy the movie across and boot up the PSP ready to view you'll notice that the movie only has a generic PSP movie icon and not a nice little frame from the movie. I've been in conversation with Major, the Mac author of ffmpegX and we're hopefully going to see .THM integration in the future but in the meantime here's a little short and sweet way of creating your very own icon for your newly encoded ffmpegX file.

You should have your newly encoded movie (may look something like M4V07365.MP4) and your original movie rip (may look something like TITLE01-ANGLE1.VOB if you've used OSEx to rip to a single .vob)

1. Download altShiiva 0.9.1, a custom made PSP movie encoder based on the Shiiva open source code. It does a decent job of encoding and is worth a look if you can't afford a license for ffmpegX. It's a Japanese program but is fortunately in English.

Website: http://hetima.com/psp/altshiiva.php
Direct file link (since the site is in Japanese): http://hetima.com/psp/altShiiva0.9.1.dmg

2. Ok open altShiiva and set your input file. Simply browse to find your .vob vile (eg. TITLE01-ANGLE1.VOB). If you've already deleted it you can of course just select your ffmpegX encoded movie file (eg. M4V07365.MP4)

3. Set the output file to be EXACTLY the same name as your encoded movie file (eg. M4V07365.MP4). Make sure this is going to a DIFFERENT directory that your actual encoded movie file so it doesn't overwrite it!

4. Go to the Crop & Scale tab and check the scale radio button and fill in width: 368 and height: 208. You may also want to adjust the cropping to match the settings you used when encoding your movie in ffmpegX. This is all just for aesthetic purposes (frame snapshot for the movie icon).

5. Miss out the other tabs and go straight to the PSP tab. Make sure 'Optimize for PSP' is checked and enter the title of your movie. This should be EXACTLY the same as the title you entered in the ffmpegX PSP name field when setting the encoding parameters. Next check the 'Create THM file. Now use the little scroller below to select a nice frame from your movie that you'd like to use as the movie icon in the PSP. I like to take a famous frame from the movie but this is compltely upto you. Once you've decided on a frame simply hit the Take THM from Current Preview button.

6. The final step is simply going to the Processing tab and pressing the 'Go!' button. Let the process start and then press the 'Stop' button. This is simply to get the program to create the .THM file we need.

7. Locate the directory you were saving the files to and find the newly created .THM file, which should be named exactly the same as your ffmpegX encoded movie file, eg:

Movie file name: M4V07365.MP4
.THM file name: M4V07365.THM

Ok delete the little .MP4 file that was created by the process and move the .THM to your ffmpegX movie encode folder so you should have the full movie encode and the .THM file in the same directory.

8. Simply copy both of these files to your PSP and see how you now have a nice little movie icon to accompany your ffmpegX movie encode.

There's maybe a simpler way to do this but it works great for me until Major implements the feature directly into ffmpegX :D
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Re: Mac OS X Version

Post by senas8 »

ZildjianKX wrote:Okay, I spent a little while this morning making a Mac OS X version based on runtime's provided hexcodes. As long as those are the right hexcodes, it should work fine. I made it look as closely to his as possible without the source code, and I believe it is identical except for warning you if your resolution is too large. Compiled under OS 10.3, so may not work under Jaguar.

You can download it here.

I don't personally have a PSP to test it on yet, but I checked all the hex values and they were fine. Make a backup of your MP4 files first until someone can double check me :)
Good stuff ZildjianKX...It would be nice to see a GUI version too.
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Re: Mac OS X Version

Post by ZildjianKX »

senas8 wrote:
ZildjianKX wrote:Okay, I spent a little while this morning making a Mac OS X version based on runtime's provided hexcodes. As long as those are the right hexcodes, it should work fine. I made it look as closely to his as possible without the source code, and I believe it is identical except for warning you if your resolution is too large. Compiled under OS 10.3, so may not work under Jaguar.

You can download it here.

I don't personally have a PSP to test it on yet, but I checked all the hex values and they were fine. Make a backup of your MP4 files first until someone can double check me :)
Good stuff ZildjianKX...It would be nice to see a GUI version too.
Thanks. I'm trying to teach myself how to use Interface Builder right now, and hopefully will have a GUI version out soon (depending on how boring my job is this week). It might be in vain, since it will probably get included in the next version of ffmpegx.
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Post by Klendathu »

Theory No1.
Minimize the ammount by which you have to stretch the picture in each dimension to maximize the sharpness
Result: 368x208 for 16:9 Source
Additional Perk: no visible distortion since this is almost 16:9

But just to be sure I calculated all variables with exel, so it is not just subjective. [sorry, don't know how to paste 'em here]

with gordian knot I estimated [and confirmed by testing over and over] that 2-pass encoding at 463 is quite enough. this figure could be dropped to as low as 375 if videos could be encoded in 23,976 frames without going out of synch. I suspect that to be a "bug" of the psp, and a mojor one at that since Europe will NEED solid 25fps playback. (at least if they want to promote anything like a video converter).

anyway, if you use my setting you should get good quality for now as well as stuff 45 minutes into slightly below 200MB.

Title=Video: 368x208 (463kbps // Audio: 128kbps // 2 Pass)
TitleE=Video: 368x208 (463kbps // Audio: 128kbps // 2 Pass)
Command0=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 1 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s 368x208 -r 29.97 -b 463 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 24000 -ab 64 -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command1=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -pass 2 -passlogfile "<%TemporaryFile%>" -title "<%Title%>" -bitexact -vcodec xvid -s 368x208 -r 29.97 -b 463 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 24000 -ab 64 -f 3gp "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command2=""<%AppPath%>\cores\QT3GPPFlatten" "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" -c QT_3GPP(MobileMP4)_QVGA_AAC.ini"
Command3="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>.3gp""
Command4=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ATOMChanger" "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp" "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.MP4" "Camouflage_MP4_for_PSP.ini""
Command5="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>_2.3gp""
Command6="rm "<%TemporaryFile%>-0.log""
Command7=""<%AppPath%>\cores\ffmpeg" -y -i "<%InputFile%>" -f singlejpeg -ss 5 -vframes 1 -s 70x52 -an "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.THM""
Command8=""<%AppPath%>\cores\psprez.exe" "<%OutputPath%>M4V<%RandomNumber5%>.MP4""

if you want to fit a 120 minute movie onto a 512 Stick than you might edit this down to 400kbit. i also encourage you to use gordian knot to calculate the exact numbers.

oddly enough these settings will result in "incompatible data" once the bitrate gets higher than 768. I don't know why, but I just assume the inbuilt sony player to be some "near crap experience". It'll be interesting to know weather UMD movies use the inbuilt player or if sony simply puts another mediaplayer on each UMD.
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Post by Syncaio »

Thanks Klendathu for your input. Unfortunately here on the Mac we don't have Gordian Knot so really appreciate your observations.
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Post by DigitalFoundry »

I can easily fit a two hour movie onto a 512mb stick using a two-pass 448kbps profile. In terms of whether that is enough bitrate, it all depends on the source material - some will require less, some will require more. Quality is decent enough, but a 576kbps profile shows a significant decrease in artefacting so those with 1gb memory sticks will definitely be enjoying better quality.

The question is what quality you deem as acceptable. As the PSP is most likely going to be held at arm's length, super-high quality really is not required if we're being honest.
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Post by Syncaio »

Video encoding settings are always completely subjective. It depends entirely on the individual user's definition of acceptable quality. My suggested settings are only a guide (as are the others) so just go for whatever you feel is right. I've just tested my setting with over 40 movies (from TV episodes to full feature films) and think that my suggested guide is a pretty decent sweet spot for 1GB users that still want some space for MP3s and photos. If you have a 512k duo then of course you might be better reducing the bitrate and resolution to find your own sweet spot.
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Custom Transcoding INI settings

Post by cocco »

On this link you can create your own PSP_Transcoding.INI
After create Download and put it in "3GP_Converter_028/default_setting/" folder.

To make sure that all the resolutions work put the file "psprez.exe"
in the folder "3GP_Converter_028/cores/"

Here is the link
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I can't downlaod http://runtime.dyndns.org/psprez-b1.zip :(

Post by No.XIII »

I can't downlaod http://runtime.dyndns.org/psprez-b1.zip :(
Who can give one?
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Post by Grover »

Its in the zip package of PSPmt I made here (look in the Encoders folder):
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Sorry, I can't download it too!

Post by No.XIII »

Sorry, I can't download it too!
Plz mail to hanzo_kunAT163.net!
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Post by Grover »

Whats the error when you dry to download the link? Has anyone else had problems downloading the file?
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Version 0.29 3GP Converter Released

Post by Pyrmont »

Version 0.29 of 3GP Converter has been released. The reason I mention it in this thread is because it offers 368x208 presets now (which I don't think it was doing "out-of-the-box" with 0.28). I'm not sure what else has changed as my Japanese is incredibly poor.
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Post by cocco »

I have 2 intresting questions about the transcoding ini....

1.All the settings of the videocompression that we use is
Constant bit rate (CBR).....
Does the psp support Variable Bit Rate(VBR) ?

2.I wrote a ini generator and so i have searched more about this transcoding ini and found out that there are more advanced settings like (four motion vector by macroblock ) and (Unlimited Motion Vector )
My question is: This are two settings for vector compression .... if i'm right Cartoons can compressed very good in vector mode.... and the size of movie and quality will be better .... is that possible?
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Post by Awhite »

Really nice proggy, psp owners will be happy :)
What i have found out, is that when using non-standard resolutions, there is no vertical sync :( thus seeing artifacts/slashed image or how it's called .
Any ideas? I don't think i've seen that on normal resolution videos.

And about that vector/macroblock thing, never heard of it. I just use 15fps for cartoons and everything goes nice ... would be nice if we could get better quality. but i don't think so..
Ioannis KarAvas
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Post by M2 »

Wow.... some really hot tips in here. Especially for someone who's doing all of this from a Mac. I just encoded a few music videos I had, created thumbs and copied them to the PSP over a standard USB cable. Pretty nifty...

From what I've heard from SMEJ, there might be a possibility to have an animated icon for the thumbnail... it's not a listed spec, but, they seem to think they've developed some sort of workaround. But, I know the UMDs being released with video/movies only, will have a 10-15 second animated icon preview, with sound actually. The sound won't be matched to the video, for technical reasons, though.
Last edited by M2 on Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Awhite »

Yeah i guess it might be possible, cuz you can see that kind of thumbnails at the save data editor. :P
Ioannis KarAvas
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Post by azsd »

I just can't download that file (socket 10060 refused) follow by your link.
and,may it can work with nero recode avc+aac mp4 file for rez cheat?
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Post by Starman »

I ripped my DVD of Star Trek: FC and converted it to PSP format using 3GP and ffmpegX for Mac. Both apps seem to be a bit flaky.

Last night, I only ripped one VOB of ST:FC. 3GP converted it to a format the PSP liked. ffmpegX, when I selected the PSP format, said it would rip it at 320x200, but the resulting file was 640x352. This is the second time ffmpegX as done this to me.

The settings I used for 3GP (0.29) were:

368x208/29.97fps QB4 Stereo/96kbps

So that 3GP setting converted VOB 1_1 of ST:FC just fine.

Today, I ripped the DVD as an entire file, using the "Merge VOB Files" option. I didn't want to put a 4.5 GB file on my server so I just ran 3GP on my PC. Using the same settings above, it took F-O-R-E-V-E-R (2.53 GHz P4, RAID 0). When it was done, it played fine using QT4. The file size is 357 MB (kinda small, no?). I transferred it to my PSP and tried to run it. Rather than getting the "Incompatible Data" error at first, the PSP saw the file as valid, allowed me to start the movie, but stopped 2 seconds after it started and THEN gave me the error. The file was then displayed as "Incompatible Data" after that.

QT 6.5 said that the data rate was 56.3K bytes/sec. On the file that worked, the data rate was 47.5K bytes/sec.

I'm now using the 368x208 463kbps / 128kpbs setting. We'll see how that goes.

The problem is that I only have 2 512MB sticks at the moment. If this file winds up being too big, I won't be able to try it.

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Post by cocco »

i have fixed some bugs and add the 2pass at VBR
add 2 masks lumimask and darkmask to compress better.
You can see a table resolution -> videocompressions(to use only at 29,97fps)
You can see the bits per block
and so you got the best compression to resolution and fps
if you respect the bits per block and stay over 45
the calculator works corectly now.
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Post by cocco »

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Post by Starman »

Well, neither conversion worked. :(

Trying something else now.

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Post by Starman »

Single VOB failed also.

This is getting very frustrating.

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Post by Starman »

Ok, so here's what I tried so far:

Extraced the first VOB from ST:FC using DVDDecrypter.

Converted it to PSP format using 320x240. That worked fine.

If I used the same VOB file and use the same version of 3GP Converter and select any of the 368x208 formats, I get a file that's viewable on the PSP, but when I play it, the PSP says "Incompatible Data".

I also tried using the settings people posted above, and my own versions. Nothing worked.

Went back to 320x240 and that worked.

So for some reason, I can't for the life of me get the PSP to view 368x208 files. If anyone has gotten this to work, please post the DVD you used and the steps you took to do it.

If anyone has ST:FC, please try it.

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Post by Starman »

This worked:

368x208/29.9fps/QB7 Stereo/96kbps

Video is blocky. Audio is low. It could be a by-product of an AC-3->Stereo conversion.

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