VLF Lib set up help.

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VLF Lib set up help.

Post by ^L^ »

Okay, I downloaded the vunbricker.rar thingy and got the three folders inside called lib, vunbricker and include.
How would I set up a homebrew game to have the original XMB waves as the background?
I know it can be done because I saw someone else do it in their homebrew game.
The help is much, much appreciated!
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Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:07 pm

Post by Onii »

If the homebrew where you saw what you want to duplicate is open source, I'd start there. If it's not open source maybe you could mail the author.

If there's one thing I have learned by lurking these forums it's that no one will help you if you don't help yourself, and that only seems to make sense.

Have you read all the docs that came with the library and understand its purpose?

In general it's best to ask a specific question. For instance if you were having trouble with a specific feature or call of the library that would be a good thing to ask.

When you come onto a board, and ask a specific question and have all your facts ready, it shows the scene and the people in it that your really ready to commit yourself to a project that's not going to just write itself, but will require blood sweat and tears. It also shows that you at least tried to implement some feature, rather than just trying to get someone else to write it for you.

I doubt if anyone here has the time or desire to fully implement or research a feature for someone else when they have little or nothing to gain from it. But I can guarantee that there are those who want to help others get past specific problems that they have faced in the past, or that are obscure or tricky on the PSP.

I'm not trying to be rude, just a realist. It's not trivial to make a good game in the first place, much less for the PSP while the sdk is still grey in some areas. Everyone who has successfully made an app/game for the psp has had to prove themselves by reading countless posts, innumerable docs and getting info from word of mouth. And, most importantly going through an absurd amount of TRIAL AND ERROR! People learn from mistakes.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:11 pm

Post by ^L^ »

Yeah, the program was never released with the source code but I did try to talk to the author. He just isn't online on his IM that much so there's little time to talk.
I usually learn best from seeing something implemented or used like in source codes so that's where I try to start with.
And I've created many programs and I actually program for a few other systems like Palm and I use a variety of languages so I know what goes into making a single game or application.
I really didn't want to post a whole lot of technical stuff because I know how hard it can be to read someone else's code because everyone codes differently. I just wanted to ask a general question.
Right now, I'm working on a top secret utility app! Muhahah!
I can't really give you the details because it's going to be a big surprise but I want the app to appear like it's part of the PSP system.
You're not rude at all, in fact, I like that you're trying to upfront like you are. If I had been a "n00b" that would be something I definitely would need to know.
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