ndPiKeyDriver.Prx for Nanodesktop 0.3.5

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ndPiKeyDriver.Prx for Nanodesktop 0.3.5

Post by pegasus2000 »

I am working, with J.F., to a version of PiKey driver for nd called

The code is almost completed, but I need someone that can do the
tests using the real hardware (SIO keyboards or IR keyboards).

When all will be completed, Nanodesktop will be able to use natively
the PiKey keyboards without many efforts for the developers.

Can anyone help me ? Please, it is important.

For Angelo and J.F.:

Please, contact me via MSN or Skype for a license question about
ndPiKeyDriver.Prx (I want to add a license file that reports your
copyright and the rights of use in the next nd distribution).
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Post by angelo »

On the 13th I'll be able to test piKey... so I can test your application for IR support. I don't have SIO, sorry.

A quick question... why does your application need piKey. What does it have to offer? Unfortuntly, I have a feeling that making your application with IRDA support isn't as easy as putting it on the pikey folder.

Anyway I'll give it a go when I get a chance. I have exams this week.

My MSN is on my forums profile. (Not listed to prevent spam.) Contact me please! We're working on the same sort of applications, so we can help each other out!

Good luck! You applicaion it will help many people.

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Post by pegasus2000 »

angelo wrote:On the 13th I'll be able to test piKey... so I can test your application for IR support. I don't have SIO, sorry.

A quick question... why does your application need piKey. What does it have to offer? Unfortuntly, I have a feeling that making your application with IRDA support isn't as easy as putting it on the pikey folder.

Anyway I'll give it a go when I get a chance. I have exams this week.

My MSN is on my forums profile. (Not listed to prevent spam.) Contact me please! We're working on the same sort of applications, so we can help each other out!

Good luck! You applicaion it will help many people.


I am online on MSN now (nanodesktop@hotmail.it)
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Post by jean »

just seen your messages....send me a copy of your work and i'll test it with openkeyboard
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Post by angelo »

@ Jean.

I've chosen to remove SIO stuff from my version of piKey. I'll hand SIO stuff on to you, Jube and anybody else who does SIO input.

I'll work together with ZX81 soley on IRDA. When the Phat dies... I'll join you!

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Post by pegasus2000 »

jean wrote:just seen your messages....send me a copy of your work and i'll test it with openkeyboard
Wait a moment. In this moment I'm working on some features of
the API. When it is ready, I'll contact you...
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Post by angelo »

Me too please! Email it over. I can test it with my latest pikey modules.

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Post by pegasus2000 »

angelo wrote:Me too please! Email it over. I can test it with my latest pikey modules.

Ok, Angelo. Wait for my news...
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Post by jean »

@Angelo: no problem for removing SIO from pikey at all....in fact SIO should be handled by modules (the way i'm doing) and not by framework...maybe in future some helper code could be reintroduced just to make life easier to module writers and automagically resolve access concurrency if any...
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Post by pegasus2000 »

@Angelo: I've some troubles with my code here... I'm working very hard
on this.

In any case: can you install nanodesktop in your system in
the meantime ? So, I can send you only the new core of the system
when it will be finished and you can recompile the driver for PiKey
in case of troubles.
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Post by angelo »


Great. I made no adjustments to SIO since 0.3. I'll remove it from the source and the installer. ;)

I'll give you and Jube the SIO input role and we can share ideas with the other piKey plugins. (CTRLOut, OSK, Danzeff...)

Unofficial piKey 0.5 will have the source, so feel free to use it. My work is your work.


No problem my friend. I can't program till Saturday, so take all the time you need.

About installing Nanodesktop... I'll try and do it when I get a chance. I sure hope it works because I'm using a Win32 compiler and it can sometimes have issues dealing with external libs. I'll give it a go. ;)

Good work guys!

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Post by pegasus2000 »

Well, ok, I've completed the API for PiKey driver. There are already some
things to do... but the main part of the work is done.

Now, I need your help.

For first thing, download the Nanodesktop distribution 0.3.5 ONLYDEV01 from Visilab website:

http://visilab.unime.it/~filippo/Nanode ... nloads.htm

Uncompress the content in a folder (for example C:/NDENV). If you want to recompile some code, you must see the Nanodesktop User Guide.pdf
file that is **included** with the nd distribution (in the folder

<ndenv path>/PSP/Documentation


This distribution hasn't support for PiKey driver. So, download the following
package (it is a new nd core that supports PiKey):

http://rapidshare.com/files/162677316/N ... p.rar.html

And replace the content of the folder

<ndenv path>/PSP/SDK/Nanodesktop

Now, you must install the ndPiKeyDriver.Prx in your PSP. Go to the

<ndenv path>/PSP/SDK/Nanodesktop/src/3rdparty_modules/PiKey_Driver/prx

and copy the file ndPiKeyDriver.Prx in the root folder of the MS (ms0:/)

Now, we can do some tests. The first program that I want to test is the

Code: Select all

#include <nanodesktop.h>

void ndMain &#40;&#41;
    int VKBHandle1, VKBHandle2;
    int Counter;
    ndInitSystem &#40;&#41;;
    VKBHandle1 = ndHAL_VKB_OpenKeyboardDriverForDP &#40;ND_PSP_PYKEY_KEYBOARD&#41;;
    printf &#40;"Keyboard handle %d %X \n", sgn&#40;VKBHandle1&#41;, abs&#40;VKBHandle1&#41; &#41;;
    for &#40;Counter=0; Counter<5000; Counter++&#41;
        printf &#40;"Keypressed code %X \n", INTERNAL_VKB2_DirectPolling &#40;VKBHandle1&#41;&#41;;
    ndHAL_VKB_DestroyKeyboard &#40;VKBHandle1&#41;;

This piece of code should call 5000 times the function for DirectPolling:
the PRX driver should return the 32 bit code associated with the key
that is pressed in that moment.

I have recompiled this program in a EBOOT.PBP and you can download
it here:


Install it on your PSP and start (after to have copied the ndPiKeyDriver.Prx
in your ms0:/ folder)

If all is ok, the system should activate the keyboard and should return
the codes of the pressed keyboard.

Test and fix this program and after we will be able to continue with
the other tests.

@ J.K. and Angelo:

The source code of the new ndPiKeyDriver.Prx is in the folder:

<ndenv path>/PSP/SDK/Nanodesktop/src/3rdparty_modules/PiKey_Driver

@ jean

In this PRX driver I've disabled the SIO debug option. I must restore this
function in a second time.

I'll wait for your news. Thanks for your help
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